? ??????????????Easter Egg Hunt? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (4 Ratings)??233 Grabs Today. 3848 Total Grabs. ?
?????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Sunflowery Days? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (3 Ratings)??217 Grabs Today. 2762 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Blog?

I kind of want to make a new blog. In some ways I don't really want to because what would really be the point? Maybe if I just make this one look and function the way I want it to, then it would be more interesting for me to write and for others to read.

I guess I'm not really sure what I want.

Probably I'll end up trying to find a way to make this one look new, fail, and go back to complaining about it. ^_^

Most likely I will unlink this blog from my Facebook. Just FYI. Ye be warned.

I'll blog about more than just my blog soon.

Monday, November 09, 2009

"Unite or Die"

. . . I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery . . .

. . . If we wish to be free . . . we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!

. . . They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? . . . Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us.... Read More

There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable—and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

. . . Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace—but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

-Patrick Henry

Thursday, October 08, 2009

In addition...

I want to think of ways to make my blog nicer...any tips?

Wasting my time...

I've been at VCU for 2 years now. Hopefully I'll be graduating in the spring. Right now I feel like I'm wasting my time. My mass comm classes are so repetitive and BORING and they're not teaching me anything new! I enjoy my English classes, and I'm wishing I had been an English major.

I'm just really frustrated with school right now. My copyediting class is like a basic, 2nd grade grammar class. My specialized project reporting teacher doesn't know what the heck she's doing, which means we have no idea what's going on either. I've been doing okay in my reporting class so far, but I'm not sure how. I feel so lost.

On top of that, I need a new job. I think my boss at NY Grill is trying to get me to quit. She seems very uncomfortable around me ever since she fired my sister. She hardly talks to me, and when she does open her mouth I usually wind up irritated. And next week they cut my hours. If they do that again the week after, I'm going to ask them about it. I haven't done anything wrong and I'm tired of being treated like I have.

That's about all that's going on in my life...sorry to complain. I just have a lot of pent up frustration and I want to just GET AWAY FROM IT ALL.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I am still alive!

I know that I have sadly neglected my online presence over the summer, except for Facebook Mobile and Twitter, and for that I apologize most profusely! I haven't written in my journal for most of the summer, either, if that makes you feel better. ^_^

The summer was mostly uneventful anyway. I went to New Hampshire with my mom and sisters for a week, saw a bunch of family and even met some cousins I didn't know I had. That was pretty cool and I took TONS of photos. I worked at Kings Dominion again for a few weekends, but then I got a job as a waitress at a place called New York Grill, so I quit Kings Dominion. I couldn't have taken KD for another summer anyway. I'm still waitressing at NY Grill and I'm also still cashiering at Ukrop's in Mechanicsville.

I was planning to take a class over the summer, but it was cancelled. I'm so sick of VCU screwing up my schedule. >.<

Other than that I've just been working. I still can't believe that summer is over, it went by so fast. I know it would but I still can't get used to how fast time goes. I went to a few free movies at the theater with my sisters and friends - that was nice. ^_^

School started today. I've been to two classes so far, my mass comm classes, and neither of those seems like fun. Especially my special project reporting class. I think I will probably want to shoot myself before this semester is over. But last semester was the hardest yet and I made it through that one, so I'm sure I can make it through this one. I hope I can meet my goal of straight A's! I have my two English classes this evening. The first is a creative writing fiction class and the other is an 18th century British lit class. I'm looking forward to those more than the mass comm ones - I'm hoping they'll be fun. It's about time I had some fun classes!

Until those classes start, I'm hanging out online! In a few minutes I'm going to the office to try to get some answers about the internship deadlines - which reminds me I didn't tell you about my internship I'm doing at a radio station, WRVA, with Doc Thompson. I'm excited and nervous. I just hope I like it and they like me and it's not hard.

I'm hoping to keep up with online stuff much better during the semester since I have access to the internet AND it's hi-speed. ^_^

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Tonya was going to have her birthday party today. Only one person who was invited and one person who wasn't showed (out of 5 invited). FAIL.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Another tea party video

For our final broadcast journalism project, my group covered the Richmond Tea Party! Here's our video that we did. Please comment, rate, let me know what you think.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Where are my readers?

I used to have so many people reading my blog and commenting, once upon a time. They have all disappeared now. I think it's because it was so long of a time period that I didn't blog, so they probably lost interest. That makes me sad. *sigh*

My blog is very boring, anyway. I just ramble about nothing important. I have all my important news stories and everything in another blog. I'm going to start another blog that's a little different, it'll be news related info, but more of a commentary than hard news stories. And so this one is for rambling.

And of course it imports automatically into Facebook for all my friends to read, there, but I think I'm going to stop that.

I'm so ready for this semester to be over now.

Monday, April 20, 2009


In class.


Teacher rambling 45 minutes about convergence. We learned about this in like 3 other classes.

And I'm bored with my blog. Any suggestions for spicing it up?

Empty Holster Protest Week - got mine, you got yours?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Richmond Tea Party

This evening I will be attending the Richmond Tea Party. I'm both excited and nervous because I am the Citizen Journalist. I won this position by submitting my video "Why I Joined the Tea Party!" to the contest. Video is below and basically explains it all!

The Richmond Tax Day Tea Party is 6:00-7:30 downtown at Kanawha Plaza, near the Federal Reserve. Directions are parking info are on the Web site. Please come, and come say hi to me if you read my blog. ^_^

So now I can update my blog from my phone! But usually I won't. It's the same thing as Twitter, and I already have that widget up.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Want to go back to the weekend

I'm wearing my Snoopy "I should have stayed in bed T-shirt" and that pretty much describes how I feel.

This week is going to be very hectic. I start working at KD on Friday, but I'll still be working at Ukrop's, too. AND of course I have school. So I'm trying to juggle all that and not lose my sanity.

It can be difficult.

Mostly I'm doing okay though. I like my classes, for the most part, and I'm doing well keeping up with homework. I'm not procrastinating as much this semester, which is a REALLY good thing. At least I don't have that to stress me out, too, on top of everything else.

Trying to figure out what classes to take in the fall and spring and hopefully get everything DONE is also kind of a pain. I should (key word: should) be able to get all my required mass communications classes done with no problem, but I need some more upper-level classes that are NOT mass comm. So I have to figure out what to take.


Must go do homework now, so I can go eat lunch.

VCU students struggle for jobs, internships - News

This article was published in the Commonwealth Times: VCU students struggle for jobs, internships - News

Thursday, April 02, 2009

I hate resumes

Just for the record, I hate resumes. Actually I just hate my resume. I hate doing stuff with it. I hate looking at it. I hate trying to make it look more interesting/creative/professional.


Monday, March 30, 2009


I did absolutely nothing this weekend.

Well, not quite. I went to a gun show on Saturday and that was fun. I've decided that I like gun shows, and if I were rich, I would go all the time. Sunday I did homework for about half an hour at the most and then...yeah that was it. Plus it was a NICE weekend and it was my Dad's birthday weekend!

Today. *sigh* Back to school. I went to Curves, which has changed. They added new contests, etc. Pretty cool, but I didn't have time to really check everything out. I was in a rush to get to school. For my first class which lasted 30 minutes and could very well have been skipped because we literally did nothing. >.< So then I sat around, doing various other homework-y things and some wasting time things until my afternoon class at 3.

And here I am!

Things I'm looking forward to: Richmond Tax Day Tea Party protest on April 15 and Empty Holster Protest Week April 20-24. Check 'em out, get involved!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I like nice people

I don't really have anything of importance to say.

Mostly I was just thinking how much I like nice people, the ones who don't get offended/stop talking to you just because you don't think the same way they do. I like it when I can feel free to talk to someone who totally disagrees with me and not have them hate me for it. I know too few people like that, so it's always nice when I meet a new person like that.

So, if you are a nice person, thank you for being nice.

And if you are NOT a nice person, that is very sad.

That's all.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

More on diversity...

Because of a comment from Etenesh, I decided to write more and try to clarify my diversity rant a bit. I hope that neither Etenesh nor anyone else takes offense from what I write. I am merely expressing my opinion, which is the purpose of my blog, and I totally understand and respect that many do not agree with me. That's totally fine. We don't have to agree with each other on everything, as long as we can disagree and discuss with maturity and civility.

Now that I'm done with THAT rant...

I'm going to use a really simply example of race. I don't think about what race someone is unless it's pointed out to me. I don't think about it in my personal life, my professional life, or my school life - including when I am writing news stories/interviewing people. I have grown up believing that the race of a person is not an issue. People are people to me. Period.

My teachers like to belabor the point that when we interview and write, we need to be sure we include people of different races (etc.) to have diversity in our stories. So basically, they are telling us TO take notice of someone's race and that race IS an issue.

I'm sorry?

So, if I understand this correctly, when I'm writing, I am supposed to take into account a person's race. To me, interviewing or not interviewing someone based on their race is MORE racist than just not even thinking about it. If I specifically look for someone black to interview because of the fact that they are black, that, to me, is blatant racism. All my life I've been told not to treat people differently because of their race, but now all of a sudden that's different. I have to seek out black people to interview because they are a different color than I am.

This goes against everything I believe and everything I've been taught.

In my opinion, giving ANYONE special treatment because of their race equals racism - whether that person is black, white, brown, yellow...doesn't matter. And that is why I don't like my teachers harping on diversity all the time. I am not opposed to diversity - in fact, I think diversity is a great thing. But I get really sick my teachers assuming that everyone in the class is racist/sexist/anti-whatever.

I refuse to give anyone special treatment because of their color/gender/whatever. Just like I don't want special treatment because of MY color/gender/whatever.

(This also goes along with affirmative action. But that's a later rant for a later time.)

If I haven't explained myself clearly, please let me know. I don't want to offend anyone and I definitely want to make sure I'm not misunderstood.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Diversity...stop pressing the issue

I really think my school needs to let up on the diversity thing a bit. I HEAR IT EVERYWHERE and it makes me want to pull my hair out.

In my broadcast journalism class, my teacher just handed out this questionnaire thing for us to answer - just for ourselves - with regard to diversity in the media. It's true/false. Here are some of the questions....

Whites are generally portrayed in a more positive light than are minorities, i.e., as officials or experts.

(There is no opposite question like "Non-whites are generally portrayed positively...")

I think religious issues are generally treated in a balanced way on the news.

If I were Muslim, I would feel that my beliefs and viewpoints are treated in a balanced way on the news.

(There is no opposite question like "If I were Christian/Jewish/Buddhist/Mormon/etc....")

I think I can generally tell the race and often the sexual orientation of a person when talking to him or her on the phone.

I believe that judging a person's race or sexual orientation based on the sound of his or her voice always leads to bias.

......and so on......If you want the rest of the questions posted, I can.

Anyone who knows me, knows that this would DRIVE ME NUTS. It really annoys me. Makes me angry. I really think my ears are turning red because I'm so irritated.

GIVE IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you stop making it a big deal, it won't be a big deal anymore.


I don't even know what to say to express my annoyance.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Oh yes. I remember now.

Told you I would remember as soon as I hit publish.


Just a hint. ^_^

By the way...

I also wanted to say that I cannot for the life of me find a Blogger template that I like that looks good with my setup and works the way I want it to! I mean, a template that was NOT designed by Blogger. It makes me very sad. Maybe I am just too picky? Anyway, if you find any, let me know. It has to be one of the new Blogger format kind, though, not the old one!

AND...there was something else. What was it?


Alas, I can't remember. I probably will as soon as I hit "publish post".

I'm such a slacker

I haven't done anything with Blogger in so long.


I was reading (definitely just typed readying) my friends' blogs and I realized that even Chris has updated since I last wrote. That was an indicator that I really needed to hurry up and add to my blog.

Not that there's much to say.

Still school. Still work. Still no money.

I'm on spring break this week, which is lovely, except that it means the second half of the semester is coming up on Monday. Workload doubles, big projects are due, studying for finals, and dealing with big, scary cameras in my TV production class.

Which reminds me, I need to buy a VHS tape. DON'T FORGET.

This week I worked in the garden a bit, worked at work a bit, applied for a few different jobs, got my van inspected...

Oh there's a story. If you remember, I wrecked my parents' van in January - ran into a tree because of slipper roads. It wasn't TOO bad, as in, it could still be driven. My dad got pieces and mostly fixed it, but he couldn't get the headlight adjusted back the right way. So I got it inspected on Monday and it was a definitely fail because of the headlight. I had to go to a bodyshop to get it fixed, and I was afraid it was going to cost like $1000 or more. BUT!!!!!! Mom and I managed to find a bodyshop that fixed it for us; they said it was a really simple fix and they weren't going to even charge us anything! We gave them some money anyway. And then got the van reinspected and it passed.

w00t w00t!

So the plan is for me to buy the van from mom and dad, and I'll be selling my old one. It's sad because I really did like my old van, but I can't afford a new transmission for it and it's been having all sorts of problems that in a way I'll be glad to be rid of it.

So yes.

Also, I have Twitter which I like very much so look me up - notashamed87.

Not that anyone actually reads this blog.


Monday, February 23, 2009

So, yay!

I got a new layout for my blog.


I just have to figure out how to make the title of my blog smaller to fit right. Maybe I'll figure it out at some point. Or maybe not. Or maybe I'll get a new layout. Because I like this one, but there were some other pretty ones, too. Since I needed an XML layout, BlogSkins wasn't working for me. I'd used that site before and love some of the layouts (thanks for the suggestion Etenesh!). But it took me like half an hour to figure out why it wasn't working. >.<

Anywho, I went to Blogger-Templates and found this layout and some other really nice ones.

Right now I'm in class - Broadcast Journalism. We are listening to everyone present their radio projects. I think we all did really well. A lot of people had nicer ones than mine, but I still feel happy with the one I did. Maybe I can figure out a way to upload it on here so you can hear it. ^_^

I applied for a maintenance office position at Kings Dominion and even went in for an interview on Wednesday, but I haven't heard from them. I was going to call them today, but I didn't have the number, so I'll probably call tomorrow.

At some point I need to make an appointment at the eye doctor. I constantly have a headache lately, and I really think it's my eyes. The last doctor I went to gave me a lower prescription than the one I went to before and it hasn't seemed right since. Grr.

So yeah. Umm....

That's all for now?

I'm thinking about doing a video blog - a vlog - on YouTube. My sisters and I already do one (sort of) called BLU!, but I'm thinking about starting one of my own.

We'll see.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My blog looks yucky...

My friend Tasya's blog looks awesome, so I was kind of trying to copy her. It isn't working out so well so far. But maybe if I had more time to work on it. And maybe if I had hi-speed internet at home.

Alas, you'll have to deal with the way my blog looks as-is for now.

This week has been...actually I'm not sure. I can't decide if it's been long or short or good or what. It's just been. School, homework, all the usual stuff. I went to Kings Dominion on Tuesday for an interview for maintenance office, but the maintenance lady wasn't there so someone else interviewed me and I'm supposedly going to hear back from them. Happy happy joy joy.

Um yeah.

School is over for the week!

I have work tomorrow and Saturday and homework to do, as usual.

Bye for now!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

One follower!

I have one follower on my blog now! I am super excited. ^_^

I'm having fun with InDesign tonight. It's sweet. It's a program for designing publications. You can take stuff you've done in Photoshop and put it in InDesign and then format the whole page so it looks awesome. Here's what I did tonight...



I went and visited WRVA today. That's the local conservative news talk radio show. I got to meet Doc Thompson. It was awesome. Maybe I will intern there someday and maybe I will work there someday, who knows. It was cool talking to him, though, he is super nice.

Now I am in class. Doing nothing at the moment because I've already finished what I was supposed to be doing. I'm hungry. I have two oatmeal cookies in the truck calling my name. I hear them shouting to me, even from this far away.

I'm coming, soon!

Monday, February 09, 2009

In case you hadn't heard - we are all socialist now

Read the article here if you can stomach it.

So has the media finally realized the truth? We are turning socialist and becoming more and more like Europe and "more French"?

It appears so.

But they try to gloss it over. The word socialist is still referred to as the "S-word" in the article and made to sound like a conservative scare tactic. Conservatives are almost mocked, or are mocked, throughout the whole article. They (Newsweek) try to blame Bush and Republicans for it all.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying Republicans haven't had a hand, because they sure have. Republicans now are so liberal that they're not much different than Democrats. So yes, they have had a lot to do with it.

What I can't stand is the way the article continuously links "conservative" with "Republican." The media cannot understand - they cannot seem to grasp - that Republicans are not automatically conservative. True conservatives would never vote for more government.

So if we ARE all socialist now and becoming more and more like Europe and France, is that REALLY a good thing? Newsweek seems to think so. They "objectively" point out some of the negative sides of having bigger government, but they don't even seem to realize how serious those negative sides really are.

We should take a good, long look at the countries in Europe and see if that's really what we want to be. Remember, America started because of opposition to the way things were run. Do we really want to be like everyone else now?

Monday, February 02, 2009

Just joined HubPages and Google AdSense

I thought "why not?" and joined Hubpages. Along with that I joined AdSense and Amazon Associates. I doubt I'll make anything by doing it, but it'll be interesting to see how it goes. I guess I'm going to be focusing on politics in my Hubs, at least for now. As always, I feel like a fish out of water trying something new like that. I feel so dumb because I don't know what I'm doing. But at the very least it'll prompt me to write more. And I'm thinking about applying to join Suite 101, too.

We shall see.

Suddenly this past week I felt overwhelmed with homework. Seems like I have a TON all of a sudden. I guess it's just because I have four classes, four days of classes, and they are all relating to reporting so that makes it a lot of work anyway. In one class, everyone was put in teams for our assignments and stuff and I so intelligently volunteered myself to be team leader. I am so afraid I will wind up doing all the work. But there is one girl in my team who is in some other of my classes, and she's really nice. I guess it'll work out.

Tuesday we had snow and ice. I tried to go to school anyway because it didn't seem like it would be that bad, and I figured the main roads would be okay. They may have been, but I didn't make it to the main roads. I slid right off the road and ran into a tree. In my parents' van. So now I have that to think about on top of everything else.


I know the Lord will provide and everything will work out. At least, I know it in my head and I'm really good at saying the words. Applying that to my life is the hard part. But He has promised never to let me down - He never has and He never will.

(And if you feel like helping me out, click the Google ad on the right-hand bar under my info. Thanks!)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

First post on a Mac

This is my first post from a Mac, in case you couldn't tell from the title.

Macs are pretty cool, I guess.

My class is Graphics for Journalism. It's lovely that she can take over all our computers at any given time, totally interrupting whatever I was doing. Don't like that very much, but whatever. Hey, it's a class, not free time, silly.

Not at all happy with AT&T right now. They randomly started charging us for internet used when we receive/send picture, video, or other multimedia messages, or do Instant Messaging (through the phone, not the internet). They aren't supposed to do this - all messaging is supposed to be included in our unlimited messaging plan. I've been spending about two months now trying to get it sorted out.

No one knows anything.

I've talked to countless people in customer service and hear something different from everyone.

(I think she's going to ta

ke my screen again, but I'll keep typing until then)

But yesterday I FINALLY talked to someone in the text messaging department, I guess, and she said that everything is definitely supposed to be included and she doesn't know why we got charged. Tomorrow I am going BACK to the AT&T store AGAIN and hopefully get this straightened out.

I browsed on the AT&T forums, too, and there are lots of other people having the same problem.

They'd better get it straightened out or they're going to have a lot of angry customers. Well, they do already. And some people, including me, are talking about switching to Verizon.

I'm hungry.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Don't feel like writing...

I don't feel like writing...

But I need to do something constructive.

I am sitting here in the student commons for...about 4 more hours before my next class.

I already emailed a person about interviewing them for my story that's due Wednesday (AHH!!!).

I could work on the team directory for my one class. But even that would only take about 2 seconds.

Why did I volunteer myself to be team leader???? ....Because no one else was.

I think I will go back out in the cold and go get my lunch out of the van. Then eat it.

Then I think I will work on BLU! which is not very useful, but at least it's doing something.

My head hurts.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You may have noticed my lack of profile picture...

I tried to upload THIS picture from the internet to be my new profile picture. For whatever reason, when I click "Save Changes" it erases the URL I post and gives me no new picture. That is mildly annoying, but whatever.

[the above only applies to my Blogger blog]

This semester is going to be long, I think, but it'll be okay. I have to go to VCU four days a week, and my classes are really spread out. I have a lot of free time between classes, but that just means I have lots of time to do homework. As soon as I get some.

I also get to drive home at rush hour two days a week, something I am (not) excited about. Last night I was stuck behind a woman who was testing the sensitivity of her brake and gas pedals and another woman whose car didn't HAVE a gas pedal. The joys of rush hour.

There's a girl sitting a little ways from me who has MARIO on her PHONE! I WANT IT.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Time flies...

My last post was from the last day of school...

This post is from the first day of school...


So this semester's schedule is CRAZY and I don't like it. But it's only one semester and hopefully it'll all turn out okay. I'm in the middle of a ten minute class break right now - or actually, toward the end of the break.

I'll post more later....