? ??????????????Easter Egg Hunt? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (4 Ratings)??233 Grabs Today. 3848 Total Grabs. ?
?????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Sunflowery Days? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (3 Ratings)??217 Grabs Today. 2762 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Long? Yes. Worth reading? Questionable.

Okay so here is my long blog entry. Whether or not it is worth reading, I'll let you decide for yourself. I'm still trying to decide whether it is worth writing.

So now, I find myself at the end of NaNoWriMo, and how do I feel? No different than I felt at the beginning actually, considering I DIDN'T WRITE ANYTHING. Grr. That irritates me. But, alas, I just don't have the free time I used to have. Most of my "free time" is spent on other things, such as homework, Christmas shopping, practicing music, or eating. Every once in awhile I also update my blog. Oh well, there's always next year. At least I can stop feeling guilty now.

So for Thanksgiving, there was no school from Tuesday through Sunday. I want to know, how come they didn't just cancel classes on Monday, too? I mean, it's just one day. It would have made more sense and been a lot easier for everyone. But oh well. I also only had to work two days this week, which is a good and bad thing combined. I mean, I could definitely use the money, but it's nice to have time off during Thanksgiving week. Plus, tomorrow is payday anyway, so I'll be getting money then.

So what did you do for Thanksgiving? I watched Macy's parade, went for a walk, played on the computer, read, and ate. That basically sums it up. Oh and I watched a Lois & Clark with my sisters and Gramma.

You know what? There was this hip-hop teen singer person, and she sang "Who I Am," that country song that I (and Dawn!) love so much. Well, she slaughtered it. I mean, it sounded AWFUL. I really don't like hip-hop anyway, but this was just...ugh. Let's just say, if I had had popcorn, I would have thrown it at the TV. And a SPONGEBOB balloon???? Where is a dart gun when you need it?!

So, this just in, Dawn is going to Florida during her Christmas break, and she and Susen will be having fun in the sun - and WARMTH - without me. *sniff* I want to go so badly, but I just can't afford it. Let's get real - I can barely afford school at this point. I'll have to start saving now just to be able to go anywhere on vacation next summer and go to school next year. I guess one vacation per year is about my limit at this point. Well, you know, when you work part-time as a waitress, you only make so much money.

Christmas is only about a month away! I have barely started my Christmas shopping. I really need to get on that. I usually start thinking and making lists and such 'round about September. And here it is almost December and all I have is Gramma's present. :-P Any ideas would be welcome.

Now that I have rambled about unnecessary and stupid and random things, I'll big you good night and go to bed, since that's what I wanted to do before I even started rambling anyway.

TRIVIA FOR THE DAY: What abbreviation for "Dopyera brothers" came to represent any metal-topped guitar?

Stay tuned for the answer.

((Susen, you can send the stories any time, and let me know if I need to add to more, I can't remember.))

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Beware of Grape with Wooden Mallet



Slightly better mood today. I just thought I'd give you a quick update and tell you I'm still alive!

Okay, done...

Just kidding, though there really isn't much to write about. Gramma is coming on Tuesday (yay!). The only downside is that Tonya will be sharing my room and I'm not sure how that will affect my nocturnal habits. Hmmm. We'll have to see.

Mom and Dad are talking about moving to North Carolina, but I don't think they're very serious about it. I don't really care either way. Won't affect me a whole lot really.

I only have one algebra test left and then my final on December 6 (YES!!!!!). I'll be glad to get that over with. And Dad said that I might be able to scrape by with a passing grade, even if it's not a very high one. I hope...

Tomorrow will be a good day. School, but no work. I'll have the whole afternoon to do my algebra test. How exciting.

Oh, I took this stupid personality test thing for my stupid student development class and it got my personality totally and completely the opposite of what it actually is, for the most part. I think the only thing it got write is that I'm an extrovert, the rest was totally wrong - I died laughing. That's the best thing about my SDV class, is that it amuses me.


GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!! I just looked up my algebra test due date and it's not due until the 22nd!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT TOMORROW!!!!!!!!

Oh. my. word. I can't tell you how unbelievably excited I am. You just don't understand. This is like walking out to get into my car and finding a canary yellow mini in its place! (okay, maybe not QUITE that good...but close!)

Going to bed now! I'm going to have a GREAT day tomorrow. I can procrastinate on my math even LONGER!!!!!!!!

*gasp* Maybe I'll even be able to write some of my novel. Not that it really matters, but hey...

SUSEN! ADD! I'll be able to write a lot tomorrow :-D

Thursday, November 10, 2005

I Wish I Were A Pirate

***EDIT*** This post is very overdramatic. No, I'm not really that angry, I'm just sorta depressed and that's what came out when I was writing. So don't think I'm a manicly (yeah i know i spelled it wrong) depressed teen or whatever, I'm just not having the greatest night, is all.***

Yes I'm posting again. Yes I should be working on my novel.

NO I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!

I am in a rotten mood right now. So be forewarned - you may not want to read this.

#1. I hate algebra. It has succeeded in ruining my life. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I HATE to fail at ANYTHING and I am almost definitely (okay, no almost) going to fail my remedial algebra course. That could seriously make me weep for a long time - starting now and going through the end of the semester.

#2. I hate being a writer. Even though I love it. I love it because it's what I do and it's fun. I hate it because I can't think of any stupid plots for any stupid stories, including my WriMo novel. And I am sick of English papers.

#3. I'M SICK OF BEING ALONE!!!!!!!!! No, technically, I'm not alone. Besides the fact that God is with me wherever I go, I have my family and a few friends. BUT I STILL FEEL ALONE SOMETIMES AND I'M SICK OF IT!

#4. I hate my phone. It doesn't work at home.

#5. I hate Virginia.

#6. I hate time.

#7. I hate miles.

#8. Sometimes I just plain hate my life. Normally that only happens at 2:21 a.m., which is why it's very bad for me to stay up past 2:20:59 a.m. but I did it anyway because I had to write an English paper and once I get started writing something like that I don't want to stop.

#9. I hate liking guys that I'll never have a chance with, especially when I KNOW I'll never have a chance with him but I like him anyway because I'm a pathetic FOOL.

All these have combined to put me in a very fowl mood. A few things that are lessening the fowlness of my mood (or have lessened it):

#1. I got to talk to Susen for a little while earlier. That was good because I haven't talked to her in forever.

#2. I got to talk to Chris for a little while earlier. But now he "is currently away from the computer." Without even telling me goodbye. So this one just gets cancelled out basically.

#3. I had guitar lesson tonight and got to play with the most adorable kitten.

#4. I love Spanish.

#5. Gramma is coming soon.

#6. Good movies are coming out soon.

As you can see, the list of good things is considerably smaller than the list of bad things, once you subtract #2. Which is why I am in a bad mood instead of a good mood.

And that's all I'm going to say for now because Chris is STILL gone, and I'm TIRED, and there is absolutely no reason for me to stay up any later and be even grouchier than I already am.

Whew. That was fun. It's always nice to vent sometimes. I just wish I had someone to actually talk to.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


*laughs sarcastically*

Who has time for writing anymore? Who has time for ANYTHING fun anymore? If you do, you can come clean my room for me, because you have entirely too much time on your hands.


Angela, you and Chris are very right - I am certainly not doing any better on my novel than you guys, and most likely worse. I just decided that school is more important. I almost wish I hadn't decided that, though. Maybe my English teacher will let me write the stupid novel for extra credit?

Prolly not.

Must go do homework. Maybe I'll have time to add a sentence or two to my novel before I go to bed.

Prolly not.

Friday, November 04, 2005

You know you live in Virginia when...

This is HILARIOUS! Even more so if you find yourself agreeing :-D I found this on a Facebook group.
I have to say, some of the stuff - maybe about half of it - applies to northern Virginians only, but it's still funny because *whispers* they're really like that. The ONLY point I disagree with is the one about the slow person is the person who isn't going more than 10 miles over the speed limit. Um...right...Maybe in Northern VA, I wouldn't know, but here? Ha, don't think so. The FAST person is the one that goes the speed limit, period. Hehe...

Anywho, just thought I'd post this for you guys' reading enjoyment.

You Know You're From Virginia When...

Speed limits are just suggestions

You take a major highway to school (95, 66,28, etc)

You constantly complain about there being nothing to do, even though you are right next to DC

50% of your senior class plans on going either to Mason, JMU, Tech or UVA

When people ask where you're from, you tell them DC because its easier to explain

You've never told someone you're from Virginia without putting "northern" in front of it

When you and your friends get bored you all whip out your cell phones and start playing with them

Its not actually tailgating unless your bumper is touching the car in front of you.

A yellow light means at least 5 more cars can get through.

A red light means 2 more can.

If you hear the word "sniper" one more time you're going to slap someone

You actually know what the black boxes at stoplights are for

Even if your high school is only a year old, its already overcrowded

You have over 500 students in your graduating class

You are friends with people from at least 2 other high schools

You know at least 2 people who drive a mercedes, BMW, Lexus, etc.

The cars in the student parking lot are worth 3x than those in the teacher parking lot.

You are amused by visiting relatives who are actually excited to see Washington DC

You are amazed when you go out of town and the people at McDonalds speak english

You can cross 4 lanes of traffic in under 30 seconds

There are at least 3 malls within 20 minutes of your house

There are at least 6 Starbucks within 20 minutes of your house

You or someone in your family has a Smart Tag

When traveling, you have your choice of 3 airports

You don't actually like the Redskins/Wizards (except when Jordan was playing)

An inch of snow and you miss 3 days of school

All the potholes just add a little excitement to your driving experience

Stop signs mean slow down a little, but only if you feel like it

A rich white kid driving a BMW while blasting rap music is a common occurance

You call things "ghetto" even though in most of the rest of the country it'd be high class

You or most of your friends have a 3 car garage

You don't actually keep your cars in it.

When you were driving on the beltway at 2:13am on a Tuesday there was still traffic

Crown Victoria = undercover cop

A slow driver is someone who isn't going at least 10mph over the speed limit

You understand the meaning of "If you don't get it, you don't get it"

Subway is a fast food place. The transportation system is known as Metro, and only Metro

They just tore down the old farm house across the street and put 12 new houses in its place

The word Hfstival actually means something to you

Someone has honked at you because you didn't peal out the second the light turned green.

You've honked at someone because they didn't peal out the second the light turned green.

Rush hour lasts all day

For the cost of your house, you could own a small town in Iowa

9:30 isn't just a time, its a place.

If you stay on the same road long enough, it will eventually have 3 new names.

You have to dial the area code to call your neighbor

You know at least 3 alternate routes to avoid sitting at a stop light.

You can't pull up to a 7-11 without seeing at least one cop, and usually there's another cop sitting not too far away.

You smoke excessively

You refer to distances in minutes, not miles.

When you put on your turn signal to change lanes, the people next to you speed up.

Or you do.

*Pulling Hair Out*

I'm beginning to wonder if I was completely stupid. I have no time to write a 50,000 word ANYTHING, let alone something that doesn't pertain to school. Ack...I suppose I should just press on. I can almost guarantee that I will NOT reach the 50,000 word mark, however.

I really don't have anything to say...I'm just sitting here in Spanish class. For some reason we met in the lab today? I guess we're doing something with the computers. But the great thing is that my computer is set to Spanish! The guy who's sitting next to me - his computer is in English. What's up with that?

Anywho, I just finished my Spanish test, which I hopefully did well on, and now we're waiting for the other people to finish theirs.

Very boring.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Scared Silly

And thus begins NaNoWriMo. And yes, I am scared silly. But I'm also excited. And I'm also wondering how in the world I'm going to do this on top of everything else I have to do.

But I WILL do it.

My plot - A retelling of the whole story of Robin Hood, since all I can find anywhere else are bits and pieces. Not exactly original, but I can throw in original ideas, and if I get stuck, I'll have something to fall back on. I thought this was a good choice for a first-time novel for WriMo.

I also just thought of this whole entire plan about 2 seconds ago.

Of course, some of you may know, I already have the story started. Is that cheating? I mean, all I have written is the prologue and one paragraph. That was a couple of months ago, too. I definitely got severe writer's block after that. Hmmm...maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

Ack, too late to go back now!

*trots off to write*