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Monday, March 16, 2009

Diversity...stop pressing the issue

I really think my school needs to let up on the diversity thing a bit. I HEAR IT EVERYWHERE and it makes me want to pull my hair out.

In my broadcast journalism class, my teacher just handed out this questionnaire thing for us to answer - just for ourselves - with regard to diversity in the media. It's true/false. Here are some of the questions....

Whites are generally portrayed in a more positive light than are minorities, i.e., as officials or experts.

(There is no opposite question like "Non-whites are generally portrayed positively...")

I think religious issues are generally treated in a balanced way on the news.

If I were Muslim, I would feel that my beliefs and viewpoints are treated in a balanced way on the news.

(There is no opposite question like "If I were Christian/Jewish/Buddhist/Mormon/etc....")

I think I can generally tell the race and often the sexual orientation of a person when talking to him or her on the phone.

I believe that judging a person's race or sexual orientation based on the sound of his or her voice always leads to bias.

......and so on......If you want the rest of the questions posted, I can.

Anyone who knows me, knows that this would DRIVE ME NUTS. It really annoys me. Makes me angry. I really think my ears are turning red because I'm so irritated.

GIVE IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you stop making it a big deal, it won't be a big deal anymore.


I don't even know what to say to express my annoyance.


Etenesh said...

Ignoring something would never make it go away.