? ??????????????Easter Egg Hunt? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (4 Ratings)??233 Grabs Today. 3848 Total Grabs. ?
?????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Sunflowery Days? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (3 Ratings)??217 Grabs Today. 2762 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Stupidity Abounds

If you don't want to read another long and frustrated rant about my work experiences at Kings Dominion, I would suggest you leave now...

So! Today they told me to go to the Grizzly. Wonderful. #1, it's my third to last day, so I really want to just be left alone and happy at my own location. #2, all I have at the Grizzly is my unload, which means ALL I did ALL DAY was check restraints and watch the lift. #3, it was Walk-on Wednesday.

Walk-On Wednesday is for gold season pass holders only. When they come in the front gate they can pick up tickets that let them come up the exit to the ride and get right on, instead of waiting in line. When you first hear about it, you think "Oh, cool"...but if you really think about it (which means, think about it for more than 2.5738 seconds) you'll realize that it really isn't cool at all. Because (ack, another list) #1, you now have a line in the exit AND a line in the entrance because obviously not ALL TWELVE walk-oners are going to be able to go at once; #2, the people in line are mad because of the people coming up the exit; #3, the people coming up the exit are mad because the people in line don't want them to come up through the exit; #4, you generally have a big mess and a lot of people threatening to sue or get you fired, etc.

Let me just mention that in Kidzville we don't have Walk-On Wednesday - hereafter known as WOW.

Anyhoo, we were dealing with it pretty well all day. We (Misa and I) had a good system going. The -exact- middle two rows were tied off so that only the walk-oners could ride there. Everyone was happy that way. The walk-oners had guaranteed seats in each train - granted, only 4 could ride at a time, unless there were other empty seats, but they still had their guaranteed 4 seats. Plus, the people in line couldn't fuss because no one was stealing "their" seats. We had absolutely NO angry guests and NO one cussed me out (like last time I was at the Grizzly for WOW. Everyone was PERFECTLY HAPPY - until 4 pm that is.

Damon, area manager extraordinaire, had to come and tell us we couldn't have the two rows tied off. Yes, I hear that collective "Oh, no" out there. Know how I can hear it? Because that's when Misa, Nick, and I were all thinking. *sigh* So, naturally, being the goodie-goodie that I am, I untied the rows without argument (*mumbles* because I had argued with him last time and it didn't do any good). Almost IMMEDIATELY there was an uproar. It was horrible. And Damon was saying that when I reserved seats for the walk-oners, don't ASK the people in line to wait, tell them they HAVE to wait.

Wow, that is so not right. I mean, honestly. Isn't the whole point of KD for the guests to have a good time? If no one's happy (and they weren't) are they honestly going to have a good time? I know I wouldn't. I know I would join the crowds of people threatening to sue or get someone fired. 'Course, I wouldn't be threatening the mere supervisors, leads, or lineworkers at the ride because it's TOTALLY not their fault (I know from experience. *ahem*), but I would definitely be doing some screaming at the managers. Starting with Damon.

I just scraped bug guts off my monitor with my fingernail.

I'm just glad Friday's my last day. I am even seriously considering calling in on Friday because I know I'll have to open at Seaside instead of Bedrock (my location). I HATE SEASIDE.

All in favor of my calling in absent on Friday say "aye".


The Wayfaring Wizard said...

ayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeayeaye and Aye

Samantha Downing said...

Wow, I think it's unanimous. Hehe!