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Thursday, October 16, 2008

What I am thinking going into this election...

Am I the only one sick of both of the main Presidential candidates? Or of the media? Or of stupid people?

Sometimes I feel like I am. But I guess I'm not.

Glenn Beck is, too. ^_^

Seriously, though, the media drives me up the wall. They only really talk about the Republican and the Democratic candidates - for anything. The only time we hear about the other parties or candidates is just a tiny mention of them at the end of the story. "Also on the ballot is...." The end.


I'm learning in my journalism classes that the media is supposed to be all "watch dog" and "guide dog" and whatever. They are supposed to inform the public on things that they need to know but might not be able to find out very easily. Well, they're not doing their job! I personally would like to know about ALL my options when I go to vote next month (if I go). Did anyone besides me not realize that there are seven Presidential candidates that will be on the ballot?


And I know the names of three - Republican, Democrat, and Libertarian because I just looked it up because I'm doing a story on the Libertarian party for my class.

What is wrong with our media? That was a rhetorical question, I already know the answer. The media are liberal. This is generally speaking, of course.

But more than that, what is wrong with Americans? Are we seriously going to let someone like Obama or McCain become the President of our country? That was also a rhetorical question, I already know the answer is yes. But I have yet to understand WHY. Both of them are leading us straight into socialism, and people just embrace them like they are the greatest thing to ever happen to planet Earth.

Um, hello? You want socialism? Go live in Russia for a while. I know people from Russia. It's not pleasant over there. People don't make a lot of money, health care is the pits, and freedom is practically non-existent.

(Russian friends, if you're reading this, please don't be offended; you already knew my opinion of Russia anyway, and I still think you guys are great ^_^)

Do we seriously want our country, the land of the free, to be like THAT? Do we want to give up every single little right we have and let the government control every aspect of our lives? The things I hear coming from both Obama AND McCain are disturbing, and I can only imagine where our country will be when it's time for the NEXT election.

When will Americans grow up and stop voting along party lines simply for the sake of voting along party lines? Look at the candidates and what they really stand for - ALL OF THEM, not just the two of them that the media talks about. Make a decision based on your own research and your own THINKING (do people know how to do that anymore?), not on what the media or your friends or your party or anyone else tells you.


Or we used to be able to, anyway. And it is NOT best for our country to have a socialistic form of government. Anyone who thinks it is, really does need to go to Russia and see what it's like. No joke. Do you want to go to the doctor and know that (if the government decides you can get in, that is) the rubber gloves they are using have simply been rinsed and re-used, and the syringes and other materials are in the same state? I don't. Why do you think people come HERE for health care? And that's just one example.

I have to admit I'm feeling kind of hopeless and depressed going into this election. And it's not because I'm afraid that my candidate won't win. It's because I don't have a candidate. And that's because the politicians don't care about the people anymore, and I guess they haven't in a long time. There is no candidate (that I know of) that really stands for the people and what the people want. I also feel like it's too late for this election. Duh. Obviously nothing is going to change. Our country is just going to keep going downhill, faster than it's ever gone before. No matter WHO is elected.

I am FED UP with my government, can you tell?

We need a Civil War. Dead serious. I will move to Montana if they ever got serious and seceded. I so would.

Words cannot express how amazingly grateful I am that the Lord is in control. I can honestly say that I don't know what state I would be in if He weren't, or if I were not a Christian. I would be in a lot worse shape than I am now.

And by the way, if any Obama supporter happens to read this and would be interested in having a logical discussion with me, PLEASE let me know. I'm dying to understand why someone would seriously want to vote for him. I can talk to McCain supporters more easily without having my head bit off, but Obama supporters just start attacking me without giving me any information.