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Friday, April 13, 2007


I'm so sick of life. Forget everything I said in the last post. I'm sick of life. I want something different. I'm trying hard to be content, and I guess I am content to a degree - as in, if this is where God wants me, I'll trust Him to know what's right. But at the same time, I am SO SICK of being lonely, of the way people around here act when you disagree with them, of not having any free time, of STINKING CHEMISTRY, of my stupid Spanish teacher, of being in this rut. I'm just SICK. OF. IT. Wanna know something? All my best friends except ONE live hundreds of miles away from me. I have ONE FRIEND around here, and that is not an exaggeration. Yeah, there's other people I talk to and hang out with occassionally, but I don't think I would call them friends. It's like, every time I try to make friends around here, everything is fine and dandy until I disagree with something they say and then WHOA WAIT I'M BEING JUDGEMENTAL AND DISRESPECTFUL.

If YOU are allowed to have a different opinion on something than other people, then other people are allowed to disagree with you. And yeah, maybe there will be debates and even arguments, but if you really care about the person you won't let those come between you. People can disagree and still be friends - look at basically ALL my friends. There's not one of my friends that we agree 100% completely on everything. But SO WHAT. We can still be friends because we care about each other and we RESPECT each other's beliefs and opnions, and don't expect each other to change to suit the other.

Yes, I believe what I believe. And no, I'm not going to change that belief easily. If you can show me beyond a doubt that I am 100% wrong, I STILL won't change that belief easily, but it will change eventually. Respect what I believe the same way I respect what you believe. Know that I am going to be defensive about what I believe if you attack it, and I expect the same from you. Don't just stop being my friend because I don't agree with you on everything. How boring would that be anyway?

I LOVE MY FRIENDS and I don't want them to mold themselves to MY beliefs. So don't expect me to mold myself to YOUR beliefs. But, even then, I still care for you and I don't think you're being judgemental or disrespectful because you disagree with me.

And if you don't agree with anything I've just said, go away, we don't want you here anyway.

Heh, that last sentence was a joke in case you couldn't tell. Sorry about the ranting and raving, but I have been thinking about this for a VERY long time and it's been bothering me excessively. And then I saw something today that just topped it all off and that was the end of my rope and I HAD to vent somewhere or else I was going to punch something or someone.

Love you guys!


Chris said...

Seems to me that if you aren't content, you probably aren't where God wants you.

On a completely unrelated note, we'll be needing a roommate soon...