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Thursday, June 16, 2005

#1 Reason Why I Hate Summer In The Country

I was attacked by a spider tonight. Well, sort of.

I went in the bathroom to take my shower and there was a spider on the wall. I was mildly freaked out, mostly because I wasn't expecting to see it there. It didn't bother me as long as it stayed in one spot.

However, when I got out of the shower, it was nowhere to be seen. And it didn't help that I was basically blind because I had taken out my contacts before my shower. So I was squinting at the entire bathroom looking for some hint as to where the spider was. At one point, I barely saw it run from my clothes on the floor to underneath the counter.

After my hair was dry - mind you, I'm trapped on the rug on the bathroom floor - and I had put my glasses on, I decided that I would like to leave the bathroom at some point tonight. So I picked up my discarded clothes and shook them out. Once satisfied that there was no spider there, I reached for the door, still standing on the bathroom rug.

I hadn't gotten the door open more than two inches when the spider charged at me! I backed up, but to no avail, he came within an inch of my toe! If I hadn't been standing close enough to the toilet to jump on top of it, I would be dead by now. The spider was going to eat me. I know it.

Now, since I knew exactly where it was, I took the chance while it wasn't blocking my way out and ran for it. After a few minutes, Mom attacked it with the bug spray and it is now lying curled up under the counter. Dead.

I'm going to feel like I have things crawling on me ALL NIGHT.

P.S. Angela, I know you said one of your pet peeves is girls who pretend to be afraid of spiders and creepy crawlie things. If it helps in your opinion of me and of my story, I am genuinely afraid of spiders. Well, maybe not afraid, but I just really don't like them...Call me arachnophobic if you want. :-D I think it's because I was traumatized as a child - we would get HUGE spiders, like maybe 4 inches around (legs) in our house in FLorida. THAT was SCARY.

I do like snakes though.


Angela said...

I don't remember saying that, but it is true. But I don't hate you because 4-inch spiders might scar me for life as well. =)

I like snakes, too.

The Wayfaring Wizard said...

To make you feel better sam, I'm afraid of spiders too. You have seen me, I'm bloody huge and I could probably kill any spider just by falling on it. But i was traumatized too, was bitten when I was young and the skin shrivelled up and fell off in that area (replaced by new skin, don't worry) and I've been freeked ever since. A couple of years ago, I was chased across cody's basment by a small spider and his GIRLFRIEND hand to kill it for me. :'(

The Wayfaring Wizard said...

Oh, btw, got my own spider story. Was in the shower washing my hair and my eyes are closed. I open my eyes and I'm face to body with the biggest ugliest spider since ungulient ate the silmerilians. *shudders* Suffice it to say I jumped out of the shower, still soapy, put on my clothes, and tried to locate a can of raid.

Angela said...

Can't anyone kill a spider just by falling on it?

Chris said...

[Martin also once freaked out because--omg--a -dead- spider almost -touched his foot- =O!]

Even infants can kill a spider by falling on it. =)

The Wayfaring Wizard said...

...shut up.what Im getting at is taht i am big and they are small. K? :P And chris, I woudn't have freaked if it weren't for you flicking it at me.

Angela said...

Okay, I sympathize on that one. I don't particularly like having dead insects flicked at me, either.

The Wayfaring Wizard said...

Oh god... I'm sorry, I can't help it. I really can't. Its a reflex... Its not an insect, its an arachnid. I tried to keep it in, really i did!

Samantha Downing said...

Haha, it's okay, Martin. If you hadn't said something, I would have :-D

Dude, 9 comments on one post! I feel so popular.

Don't know if that's a good thing. I can't help but recall what happened LAST time I was popular...

But by all means, keep commenting - gives me something to read. :-D

Angela said...

I thought maybe it wasn't an insect.... Oh well.

The Wayfaring Wizard said...

What happened last time you were popular?