1. I'm always... Imagining.
2. I love saying... I love you.
3. I think flowers are... Beautiful. (I was going to try to say something poetic and cool, but when I typed it, it just sounded stupid.)
4. My favorite Beatles song is... I don't know.
5. I was born... In Florida
6. Sometimes I try too hard... To be perfect
7. I hate to say it but I’m not too keen on... Sarah or Chrystal
8. I work well on things... When I can do them my own way, with my own routine.
9. I’m going to college to be... Smarter.
10. I hate wearing... My bathingsuit. Okay, I don't hate it, but it's the closest thing of everything I wear. I'm just uncomfortable in bathingsuits anyway.
11. I love to read books about... Fantasy.
12. I say how I feel... Most of the time.
13. I’m addicted to... Music.
14. I drink too much... Actually, I don't.
15. Class is... Nonexistent.
16. My earliest memory is... Either swimming in the apartment pool or being at the daycare center my mom worked at.
17. The last place I went on vacation was... Wisconsin.
18. I think living far away from... Practically all of my friends stinks.
18. Right now, I should be calling... No one - I should be getting to bed.
19. The last candle I lit was... I can't even remember.
20. Kids can be... Cute and bratty.
21. I think Napster Is... Umm....
22. The best M&Ms are... Peanut.
23. If I could go anywhere it would be... Wisconsin.
24. I despise it when... People are fake.
25. I love to shop at... The mall.
26. Malls are a really fun place to... Shop with friends.
27. I thought it was hilarious when... Mario told me that he accidentally dropped his fork with Cisem said something to him.
28. I love my friends even though they... Aren't all crazy enough.
29. A sweet place to have a party would be... The beach. Someday I will have a party on the beach. Music, burgers, kites...fun times.
30. I think it’s all about... Love, love, love, love, love. It's all about love, love, love, love, love. Everything else comes down to this, nothing any higher on the list than love. It's all about love.
31. I love the TV show... Navy NCIS
32. Spinning makes me... Dizzy.
33. I never get enough time to spend with... Friends from work. We're always working!
34. One of the nicest things someone has ever done for me is... Good question. Danielle invited me to ride rides with her and her sister and her sister's friend the other night. I thought that was really nice.
35. When no one’s around, I really like to... Sing and dance and act crazy.
36. My favorite computer font is... Arial
37. My all time favorite movie is... LOTR
38. If I had a million dollars... I would go to college in Wisconsin.
39. People refer to me as... Weird, crazy, psycho...take your pick.
40. I want to kill... ALL SPIDERS
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Finishing the Sentences
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:52:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I played in the park with a girl I work with and her sister and her sister's friend after I got off work - half an hour late. It was a LOT of fun.
Plus, Chrystal saw me and she's NOT happy. I wish you could have seen her face. I'm laughing now just thinking about it. And I'm so definitely going to hear about it tomorrow, but I don't care anymore.
Now I'm tired, so I'm gonna go get ready for bed!
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:32:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 27, 2005
I Miss Five Years Ago
I shouldn't have listened to that Mark Shultz CD earlier. I mean, I was listening to music trying to get my mind OFF Florida and such. For some stupid reason, I put in the Mark Shultz CD. I don't know why. So now all evening I've been kind of depressed. Now I'm listening to old tapes of music that I got off the radio in Florida, specifically 88.3. And that reminds me of Susen, and doing stuff with her. *sigh* I should write some of that stuff in here, maybe.
I'm going to tell area managers that I don't want to work past 7 anymore. I'm sick and tired of them making me stay until 8. I do have things I need to do at home, ya know. And even if I didn't, isn't it considered common courtesy to let people off work on the time they're scheduled to get off??? Or maybe I'm just missing something. So anyway, they'll probably tell me I'm not treating them with respect, but I don't care anymore. I'm going to look for a new job anyway.
But I'm gonna miss the Bedrock crew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate life sometimes.
I hate stupid people usually.
I hate Virginia always.
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:18:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 26, 2005
...But I'm Not Stupid
+ Basics +
+Are you emotional :: Yes
+Do songs make you cry? Sometimes...some songs.
+What about movies :: Yeah, actually, more than they used to.
+What emotion do you usually feel :: Content? When I'm with friends I'm happy.
+ Sadness +
+What does it take to make you cry your heart out :: Losing friends, or people I thought were friends. Occassionally I just get randomly depressed (that happens when you live hundreds of miles away from your closest friends) and start bawling. If my parents are mad at me (which rarely happens), I get upset, too.
+How many times have you done that :: A lot lol
+Where do you cry :: Usually by myself, in my room. Mostly sitting at my computer, trying to write or something. Sometimes sitting on the floor listening to music.
+Do you hate crying :: In front of people, yes.
+Do you like it when others cry :: Um, no, it makes me cry!
+Do you think tears make eyes look pretty :: Yeah, actually, but I'd rather have someone happy than have their eyes look prettier.
+Who looks good when they cry :: The actresses who are fake crying.
+How else do you express sadness :: Writing, playing the piano
+Are you sad all the time :: No, not all the time, not anymore.
+ Anger +
+What does it take to make you mad :: I have a bad temper, but I think it takes a lot for me to actually lose it, and even then I'm pretty good about not totally losing my head.
+What do you do when you're angry :: Cry lol...Write, play the piano, punch things, vent.
+How short is your temper :: Like I said before...
+How long does it take you to calm down :: Not long usually. It depends on if there are other people around helping me calm down, or if the problem goes away or not.
+Do you freak out when others are angry :: Nah. Unless it's a guest in my face yelling at me. Then I might.
+Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you :: The movie :)
+What's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad :: Wow, I dunno. Probably being snobs.
+Do you anger people :: Ha! I'm sure I do!
+ Joy +
+How often are you happy :: Most of the time I'm at least cheerful.
+What makes you happy :: Being with friends, watching good movies (preferably with friends), playing the piano/guitar, driving with the windows down at the music up
+What do you do when you're happy :: Act crazy and psycho (as James likes to call me)
+How optimistic are you :: Fairly...I'm more of a realist.
+Do happy people make you mad :: Only if they're fake!
+What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy :: *shrug*
+Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone :: Haha, yeah
+Ever been so happy you cried :: Yup
+Do you smile a lot :: I think
+Kiss people a lot:: Uhhh...family? Sometimes? No, no, not really.
+Who really makes you happy :: Someone!
+Do you like doing things for people when you're happy :: Psh, I like doing things for people anyway.
+What do you do when you're scared :: Scream? Haha! I usually only get scared at night, so I curl up in bed and close my eyes.
+What scares you :: SPIDERS! The dark, sometimes.
+Do you like scaring people :: Sometimes :-D *coughMidnightWalkscough*
+Do you like the thrill of being frightened :: Eh, not when I'm scared for real. If it's on a roller coaster or whatever, then yeah.
+Does fear accompany anger in your case :: Um no? Why would it?
+Ever been so scared you couldn't breathe :: Nah, not really.
+How often do you panic :: Not very.
+What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER :: When I slid off the road in my car.
+What do you do to calm your nerves :: Talk, write, play piano/guitar
+Do rollercoasters scare you :: Nah.
+ The strongest emotion +
+What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going :: Wow, I dunno.
+Movie :: LOTR, prolly. I love that movie way too much. I should start watching it again soon.
+Commericial :: That AOL commercial, about spam blocker? ROFLOL I LOVE that commercial :)
+Person :: Friends
+Thing :: Rereading things I have written (journals, stories, etc.), photos
+Sight :: Wisconsin!!! lol The beach, I love the beach.
+Sound :: MUSIC
+Food :: Uhhh...
+Thing you're looking forward to/want :: KINGSFEST
+ What do you do +
When the emotions suck :: Cry a lot. Play piano/guitar, write.
+When the emotion rocks :: Have fun doing whatever I feel like doing at the moment.
+When there's no emotion :: There is NEVER no emotion.
+ Would you rather +
+Never feel again :: No thanks!
+Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life :: Anger. Loneliness is worse.
+Be happy forever and never experience bad times :: Nah, not really. Bad times make you stronger.
+Cause misery :: No!
+Feel misery :: Um, no.
+Be alone :: Sometimes.
+Be with everyone you know :: A lot of the time!
+ Who +
+Cheers you up more than anyone else :: A certain someone...
+Angers you more than anyone else :: Sarah and Chrystal
+Scares you more than anyone else :: *shrug*
+Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else :: Susen, prolly. We have good discussions :)
+Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think :: A certain someone.
Goodnight, all! *hugs*
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:59:00 PM 0 comments
I May Be Dumb...
It's back to work tomorrow. I'm sort of looking forward to it, but sort of not, too. 'Cause, basically, work is my social life. So, if I want to see people, I pretty much have to go to work. But I don't want to work, I just want to hang out. And I'm tired of Sarah and Chrystal giving me a hard time about stuff.
But it'll be okay.
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:52:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Last Person You...
.: x saw- Mom
.: x touched- Mom
.: x kissed- Dad
.: x hugged- Mom
.: x watched a movie with- Tonya
.: x cried over- Hmmm...Good question.
.: x cried on their shoulder- Su and Dawn *sad smile*
.: x said 'gee s/he's hot' about- Not telling! :-D
.: x said 'I love you to'- Mom
.: x had a crush on- Haha! :-D
.: x thought 'gee s/he's smart' about- Dad, but I always think that about Dad lol
.: x were jealous of- Hmm...I dunno.
.: x felt sorry for- Wow, last person? I dunno.
.: x hated- Nobody
.: x got angry with- Seriously angry - Chrystal
.: x bought something for- My family - I bought subs for dinner
.: x got a present from- *shrug* I dunno
.: x called on the phone- Amanda
.: x got a phone call from- Susen
Last thing you...
.: x ate- York Peppermint Pattie
.: x drank- Water...speaking of...
.: x saw- Duh, the monitor
.: x touched besides the computer- Doorknob
.: x watched on tv- Back to the Future Part III
.: x saw in a movie theater- Star Wars Episode III
.: x wanted- A hug. Does that count as a thing?
.: x needed- WATER
.: x twisted- My ring
.: x listened to-Superchic[k]
.: x squeezed- The DVD case for "The Three Musketeers" when I was closing it
.: x yelled at- Thing? The chickens. They are definitely THINGS. *mumbles* Stupid birds...
.: x punched- I dunno...I slammed the phone down on Thursday morning after talking to Chrystal, if that counts.
.: x taped- Wow I can't even remember. Wait, do you mean, taped as is recorded or taped as in Scotch tape? Well, doesn't matter, because either one I can't remember.
.: x graded- Dunno...can't 'member.
Last Time You...
.: x cried- Last night
.: x yelled- Today, in the pool
.: x smiled- Just a few minutes ago, reading blogs
.: x changed clothes- When I changed into my PJs earlier this evening.
.: x slept- Last night
.: x worked out- Officially worked out? Whenever it was that Mom had her American Family Fitness Center membership. A year ago?
.: x played a game- We played in the pool, dunking each other. Dunno if that counts as a game...
.: x played a sport- *Shrug* Can't member.
.: x went to the mall- A little over a month ago.
.: x went to the movies- The day Star Wars III came out.
.: x ate fast food- Last week. Unless you count the food at Oscar's.
.: x went to church- Last week.
.: x talked to someone- Earlier tonight, saying goodnight to Mom and Dad.
NOW I'm going to bed. Niterz!
Posted by Samantha Downing at 10:52:00 PM 0 comments
Vacation Rundown Part 2
Alas, I have nothing to write about. So here is more about my vacation to Wisconsin.
May 28, 2005
We were at Martin's graduation party practically the whole day. Well, after we actually got out of bed anyway.
Here is Martin grilling - at his OWN grad party! (the food was excellent, by the way)
Group picture of a lot of the teens there. This was BEFORE Chris showed, soo...
...here is a random pic of Chris to make up for his missing the group pic.
Yeah, Martin loves his fireworks. They were awesome, too; I hadn't seen fireworks for a long time before the ones he had at his party.
So yeah, there's not a whole lot to say. We just hung out and talked and ate basically all day. It was a blast, though!
Posted by Samantha Downing at 10:31:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 23, 2005
What do YOU want to be when you grow up?
I've been asked this question for as long as I can remember. Now people usually ask me, "What do you want to do after college?" or something similar, but it's still the same principle. I asked Nick that earlier and it made me think (which isn't always a good thing!).
When I was little I always had SOMETHING I wanted to be (artist, missionary, writer, etc.). Now that I'm actually grown up and I have to seriously think about it, I've finally figured out that the only thing I really WANT to be is a stay-at-home mom. I mean, I could live with journalism, directing would be fun, and I'd probably love being a singer or actress. Just those aren't what I really WANT to be.
Anyway, that's just a sample of what happens when I start thinking. Haha!
Work was quite interesting today. This morning Chrystal (area manager) told me that I HAD to stay later than seven and I was like, "Um, no." I told her that I would have to quit if I didn't get off work on time. I wasn't mean or disrespectful about it, I just said so. But she made me mad with her whole attitude. You can ask anyone who was there - I was so mad I was shaking so much that I couldn't write. Then this afternoon Sarah (other area manager) took me aside and was talking to me. She was actually civil; she just said she wasn't going to argue with me about working open to close anymore, but she felt like I didn't always treat her and Chrystal with respect. So I apologized, and I think she likes me better now!
So then they ASKED me would I mind staying later and I told them I would. I just wanted to be asked, like any decent person would. 'Cause I really don't HAVE to do anything except work my normal 8 hr shift.
But anyway, that mess is finally cleared up.
Tomorrow I have some stupid training something-or-other I have to go in for. All I know is that it's from 10-6. I have no idea what I'm supposed to wear (uniform or street clothes?), or where I'm supposed to go, or whether they're providing lunch or not. I think it'll be boring. I'm planning on taking paper and writing utensils and writing the whole time, while acting like I'm taking notes. Public school kids do it all the time, right? It can't be that hard, can it?
Speaking of school, I got the most awesome magnet for my car. It says "WARNING: Unsocialized Homeschoolers On Board". And I got a bumper sticker (that I haven't actually put on yet) that says, "Public School? Aren't you worried about SOCIALIZATION?" HAHA! I died laughing.
Um. I was hoping that tonight's post would be at least somewhat interesting, but I'm afraid that it is just as boring as ever.
Bed now.
(10-hour days exhaust me and they expect me to work 12-hour days?!?!?! I think not!)
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:50:00 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Even Roses Have Thorns
Yay, I have a new blog to read each night! I'm so excited, one of the guys I work with has a blog, so we exchanged URLs. And he's writing a story, which I am reading, and which is very good.
Work was not so great today. The morning had barely started when Chrystal was already pestering me about working open to close tomorrow. She wanted to know how come I could go to guitar lesson tonight but not be able to work an extra few hours tomorrow? Does that make sense to you? Me either. Needless to say, I said no about working 12 hours, and the rest I was utterly confused about so I pretty much said whatever. Oh, and Chrystal also basically told me that I'm not allowed to play in the park after I get off work tomorrow.
I think I'm due for a ride on the Flight of Fear tomorrow night, what do you think?
'Sides, guitar lesson tonight was cancelled. Two weeks ago. I sort of left out that little detail.
I realized just a little while ago that it's only two weeks until Kingsfest! I'm so excited. I wish I had someone to go with, but, hey, whatever. Maybe I'll meet some cool people there.
I think Limewire hates me.
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:39:00 PM 7 comments
Monday, June 20, 2005
I have the best friends!!
I don't have a whole lot to post, but I just wanted to say THANKS GUYS for your awesome comments.
Especially yours, Angela, I laughed for like, five minutes straight. And now I'm laughing again thinking about it. HAHA!!!!
Work was good today. Probably because Sarah had the day off. I think she's going to be in tomorrow, though. *sigh*
I'm going to bed momentarily...
PS I'm sorry I haven't been on AIM lately. I just haven't had the time to do much more that update my blog at night! I'll try to get online soon.
PPS And yes, Martin, Tobin's name does sound like a wizard's name. Maybe I should use it in a story, if I ever write one worth anything. lol
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:11:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Am I totally pathetic?
So two of my sisters have officially held guys' hands. I got to thinking about this earlier (and now I have a headache). Does this make me totally pathetic? I mean, my thirteen-year-old sister has held a guy's hand (So has my fifteen-year-old sister). They can't technically go out or whatever, but still, they both like each other and stuff.
So what's wrong with me?
Honestly, I'm working on not caring, but it's really hard. I mean, duh, I'm a girl, I want someone to like me enough to hold my hand. I'm willing to wait, but it's still hard sometimes.
*sigh* I'm really not obsessed, I promise. Hopefully some of you will understand and sympathize.
AGH, I hate life sometimes.
PS Tobin is a guy I graduated with (met at graduation, too) and we emailed for awhile. I lost touch after a while and haven't heard from him in several months, probably about six. So it was quite a...surprise to see him at the homeschool convention when I wasn't expecting it. Scared me to death, actually, but I don't know why. I guess 'cause it was like a blast from the past or something. Anywho, I didn't talk to him or anything, just saw him.
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:48:00 PM 4 comments
Saturday, June 18, 2005
In a Crowded Room Alone
People are using my blog to hold conversations. That's hilarious. I came to look at my blog and I have six comments. On one post! I've never had that many before.
That's all. I have nothing to say, I just wanted to point out that interesting fact.
I watched "Duck Tales, the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp" or whatever it's called. I haven't seen that movie in YEARS. It made me feel like a kid in Florida, borrowing movies from my Aunt Kathy again. *sniff* Ah, the good old days.
I saw Tobin today.
Posted by Samantha Downing at 10:33:00 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 16, 2005
#1 Reason Why I Hate Summer In The Country
I was attacked by a spider tonight. Well, sort of.
I went in the bathroom to take my shower and there was a spider on the wall. I was mildly freaked out, mostly because I wasn't expecting to see it there. It didn't bother me as long as it stayed in one spot.
However, when I got out of the shower, it was nowhere to be seen. And it didn't help that I was basically blind because I had taken out my contacts before my shower. So I was squinting at the entire bathroom looking for some hint as to where the spider was. At one point, I barely saw it run from my clothes on the floor to underneath the counter.
After my hair was dry - mind you, I'm trapped on the rug on the bathroom floor - and I had put my glasses on, I decided that I would like to leave the bathroom at some point tonight. So I picked up my discarded clothes and shook them out. Once satisfied that there was no spider there, I reached for the door, still standing on the bathroom rug.
I hadn't gotten the door open more than two inches when the spider charged at me! I backed up, but to no avail, he came within an inch of my toe! If I hadn't been standing close enough to the toilet to jump on top of it, I would be dead by now. The spider was going to eat me. I know it.
Now, since I knew exactly where it was, I took the chance while it wasn't blocking my way out and ran for it. After a few minutes, Mom attacked it with the bug spray and it is now lying curled up under the counter. Dead.
I'm going to feel like I have things crawling on me ALL NIGHT.
P.S. Angela, I know you said one of your pet peeves is girls who pretend to be afraid of spiders and creepy crawlie things. If it helps in your opinion of me and of my story, I am genuinely afraid of spiders. Well, maybe not afraid, but I just really don't like them...Call me arachnophobic if you want. :-D I think it's because I was traumatized as a child - we would get HUGE spiders, like maybe 4 inches around (legs) in our house in FLorida. THAT was SCARY.
I do like snakes though.
Posted by Samantha Downing at 10:29:00 PM 11 comments
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I Was Ready To Shoot Myself at 10 AM Today
My day had barely started and already I wanted it to end!! This morning I got all the way inside the park and upstairs to the supervisors' office when I realized I'd left my nametag in my car. So I walked (rather, ran) all the way back to my car, which was parked far away because of all the cars there. When I got to my car, I realized that I had forgotten my keys, and my car doors were locked. So, since I didn't have time to run all the way inside and back out again, I just bought a new nametag at Employee Services.
I could have told you right then that that wasn't the end of it. I went back upstairs to look for our (Bedrock's) clipboard, which contains all our keys and other essential items for our rides. Since I couldn't find it, I assumed someone had already come up and taken it down to the ride while I was on my wild goose chase for a nametag. So...I gathered my stuff and headed down to KCC (Kidz Construction Company). I found that I was the only one there, and that the clipboard was also absent. I managed to snag Jeremy and he told me the clipboard was in a drawer in one of the desks upstairs. So I went BACK upstairs AGAIN to get the clipboard.
Back at the ride, I was bending over to come out of the tiny closet door and I hit my head. HARD. It hurt for the rest of the day (still hurts, as a matter of fact).
Now, let me rant and rave about yesterday. Sarah (Area Manager) was asking me if I could close and giving me a really hard time when I said no. I explained - calmly! - that I simply didn't want to work 10 to 12 hour days anymore. She wasn't satisfied and proceeded to lecture me on how since I was in a leadership position, I should be willing to stay and how I've been accomodated (because I get off work at 5 on Wednesdays to go to guitar lessons) so I need to accomodate them. My response? What a load of bull. No, I didn't say that. But I wanted to. Anywho, I stuck to what I said before ("no") and Sarah changed tactics. "You'd rather make your lineworkers work 10 to 12 hours?"
Um, no! They have as much right to leave after 8 hours of work as I do! Especially since KD doesn't pay overtime!
Then she had the nerve to say, "I feel like you're taking a stand JUST to take a stand."
Wowee...wrong thing to say. I was annoyed by this time, and when she said that, I get really ticked. I told her, "No, I'm taking a stand because I just don't think I should have to work 10 to 12 hour shifts, and I'm sick of being pushed and pressured to do it!"
She backed off. Finally. But she doesn't like me anymore.
So this afternoon, she was lecturing me because I didn't let her know we had enough closers. Then when I tried to explain that I had tried, but she said she would have to call me back and then I'd never heard from her, she accused me of getting smart with her and started almost yelling at me, telling me to change my tone when I was talking to her, especially in front of other people. She basically told me she had more important things to do than call me back and I just need to wait for her to get to it.
I about smacked her.
I KNOW she has important things to do and I never ONCE implied that she didn't. I was simply defending myself by telling her that I had TRIED to let her know, but couldn't. Does that make me a criminal? I think not, but maybe I'm wrong.
After work I put in another transfer request to go to ecology. If this one's not approved, I'm going to talk to a high-up person. If it's STILL not approved, I'm quitting. I CANNOT work with Sarah.
Speaking of which, tomorrow is Sarah's day off.
Tomorrow should be a good day.
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:48:00 PM 3 comments
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Vacation Rundown Part 1
Okay, here's what I've decided to do. I'm going to go through each day of our vacation (with pics and stories) because I have SO MANY people ask me to tell them - in detail - about my vacation. And now, here it is!
May 27, 2005
(I flew up there on May 26, and the only interesting thing we did that night was go to Chris's and toilet paper his car, hehe! I don't have that picture yet, so I'm skipping)
Okay, here's a typical morning for us - lazing around in bed until we basically HAD to get up. I took this picture (and Dawn's going to hate me for putting it up...if you really want me to take it off, Dawn, I will) and Dawn was going, "No, it's too early!" Haha! Good times. I miss them.
That afternoon we went to a couple of Amish stores, and then in the evening was Chris and Martin's graduation. The pictures from the actual graduation aren't too great, and I don't have the ones from Dawn of the guys after the ceremony. They'll be put up here when I have them! Anywho, after that, we went to Martin's house to hang out and then to McD's for ice cream (they had Reese's McFlurries!). And that's what these pictures are from.
This is just a random picture of everyone. From Left to Right: Chris, Nick, Dawn, Lauren, and Merril. John is in there, too, but you can't really see him; he's sitting kind of behind Merril.
Me and Laura and Ronald!
Here's me dressed up as a wizard at Martin's house. Fun stuff lol
Yay, so those pictures actually kind of go over into the next day, as well, considering it was probably about 1 o'clock by the time we left McD's. Hehe!
So now that I'm done with this post, I have nothing else to do because no one is online. Grand stuff.
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:39:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 10, 2005
So here I am again, as I am essentially every night. Sitting at my computer desk, updating my blog. Ah, the comforts of routine.
Okay, I was trying to braid my hair and type at the same time. Doesn't work too well.
By the way, I have officially been moved to Bedrock. I was at Haunted Mansion this morning, but starting at 1, I was at Bedrock. *sniff* And today was Jeff's last day at Mansion, too! I didn't even bring my camera and autograph book. STUPID! *hits head on wall* Now I've gone off to a different area and a lot of the other Mansion people are leaving. Like Jeff, who's going to be a lifeguard. I hope he doesn't get stuck up, like most other Waterworks people.
I got off work at 7:13 today, so I went and rode Tomb Raider for the fourth time. It was awesome; better than before, because they have more water and fire effects going now. Then I WAS going to ride Drop Zone, but it was broke. So I talked to Becky and Jesse for about 10 minutes before I left.
I have tomorrow and Sunday off - YAY!!!!! I have to get gas and go to the bank tomorrow morning, and we're having friends over in the evening for dinner. It should be a nice day, I'm really looking forward to not having to work.
And you really don't care, so I'll just shut up now.
Posted by Samantha Downing at 10:10:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 09, 2005
No More Scooby
So I have officially been moved to Bedrock. At least, I think so. I'm left to assume, because they don't ever tell you anything, really. Like, I don't know if I'm supposed to go to Bedrock tomorrow, or just wait until Monday. *shrug* Anywho, it's all right, but the Kidz Construction Company part is SO BORING. At least, it is when there's hardly any kids there. NOTHING TO DO. I do like the Ranger Jeeps and Tree Swings and Boulder Bumpers looks fun. Treasure Cave I'm not sure about; it seems like THAT would be boring as well, you basically just walk through and count people. But then Chrystal told me some...interesting...things that people do in the cave. *cough*
TIRED. Twelve hour days are waaaaaaaaaaay too long for me. (Yes, I worked 12 hours today because I had to wait an extra hour and a half for an area manager to come sign the capacity sheets, etc. Not fun. Actually, it was fun, because I was hanging out with cool people, but I'm way tired and THAT'S not fun.)
Wow I wrote the majority of that last paragraph in parentheses. Go me.
Haunted Mansion got location of the day today!!!!!!!!! My last day there! Haha!
Bed. As soon as I finish my ice cream.
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:37:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Ice Cream Disappears Too Fast
I almost ran into a baby deer on the way home from guitar lesson tonight. I went over the top of a hill and there it was, about halfway down, standing in the middle of the road. I basically slammed on the brakes, but I was really scared I was going to hit him! But now I can say I have seen a deer-in-headlights look firsthand. He was sooooo small! And he just stood there and stared at me, then he started to go off to the left, then the right, then the left, then finally he went into the woods on the right. I felt guilty for ALMOST hitting him, imagine how I would feel if I HAD hit him!
I have nothing else to write about. Work is boring and annoying, as usual. I'm supposed to work another 10 hour day tomorrow, but I'm going to see if I can get out of it. That's just too much for me!
Anywho, speaking of 10 hour days, BEDTIME!
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:47:00 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Standing Still and Getting Dizzy
So today was actually going to be a good day. I mean, when Mom let me have a yogurt in my lunch as a treat, and when I saw a blue mini with an American flag painted on the roof ("MINE!"), and when I ran into Jesse this morning (boy, was I ever surprised), I figured the day was well on the way to being fabulous. Well, maybe not fabulous, but at least pretty okay.
And it was. Until Crystal (area manager) broke the news that when the Haunted Mansion (where I work) gets grouped with Tomb Raider/Avalanche, I'm not going with it. Needless to say, I was not entirely happy about THAT information. Especially when she told me I was going to be moved to a different place in Kidzville.
My whole goal this year was to get OUT of Kidzville! Besides the fact that I don't know any of the other rides. I want to stay with something I'm familiar with. And where I know the people. Bah.
So I basically decided that I'm going to tell them, look, either keep me at HM, move me to Rebel Yell/Carousel, or transfer me to ecology. If you don't, I'm going to quit. None of this moving-me-around-to-a-new-ride-so-I-can-get-more-experience crap. No. I'm not going to put up with it. I put up with enough other stuff, they don't need to uproot me and move me to a completely unfamiliar place.
And yes, Angela, KD MUST DIE. Haha! Nah, not all of it. Just certain parts of it.
But I am seriously considering looking for another job. In fact, I'm planning on filling out an application for one of the Walmart photo studios. I probably won't get it, because I haven't had any kind of experience in photography really, but hey, it's worth a try.
In the meantime, after a 10 hour day (which I also refuse to ever do again) I am exhausted and so I am going to bed now.
Good night!
Posted by Samantha Downing at 10:12:00 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 06, 2005
It's official. I hate Kings Dominion. I want a new job. People are stupid. I hate working with stupid people. A lot of the people in Virginia are stupid. Stupid people really get on my nerves. I wish they would leave me alone. KD is ALL stupid people (well, except for me and a few others).
I must escape!
Posted by Samantha Downing at 10:02:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, June 05, 2005
All Right
I'm so proud of myself. I hadn't written a poem/song in a long time, but I wrote one tonight. It's like, I can't just sit down and force myself to write, I have to wait until the words pop into my head. But now I've got a song for you to read and (hopefully) enjoy. Beware, it is a sad song, like most of my songs.
So much has been going on
I feel so lost and all alone
You were just here
Or was I there?
But now we're nowhere
Seems like everywhere I go
I wind up losing my way
Then I get so scared
I want to go back to yesterday
I really need you now
You don't have to do anything
But hold me while I cry
And tell me that it'll be all right
I feel so hopeless now
I just need to find some faith
I need to find some hope
I need to know that it'll be all right
Today has just begun
And I already want it to end
I was just there
Or were you here?
And now we're nowhere
Seems like everything I do
Winds up messing up somehow
THen I get so mad
I want to go straight to tomorrow
I really need you now
You don't have to do anything
BUt hold me while I cry
And tell me that it'll be all right
I feel so hopeless now
I just need to find some faith
I need to find some hope
I need to know that it'll be all right
Will it really?
Can it be all right?
Will it really?
Can it be all right?
If things keep going
THe way they're going
I think I'll go insane
I really need you now
You don't have to do anything
BUt hold me while I cry
And tell me that it'll be all right
I feel so hopeless now
I just need to find some faith
I need to find some hope
I need to know that it'll be all right
Will it be all right?
Comments? Please let me know what you think, I'm a horrible critic of my own stuff. I always think it's awesome while I'm writing it, then I think it's rotten when I'm done. Blah.
I have to go to work tomorrow! I shouldn't even be up anymore! I should have gone to bed like...34 minutes ago! What's wrong with me?!?!?!
Posted by Samantha Downing at 10:34:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 04, 2005
No one is online.
I went to Ben Franklin and got stuff for my Wisconsin scrapbook today. I think it's going to be really cool to do; I've already got one page done.
I just saw the reflection of my cat's sillouhette (I know it's spelled wrong, I also don't care) in my monitor and it really freaked me out for a second there. It almost looked like someone was in my room. Creepy...
My sisters and I watched Thumbelina tonight. I hadn't seen that movie in AGES.
Now to bed. Unless someone starts talking to me. Which is unlikely.
Good night!
Posted by Samantha Downing at 10:52:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 03, 2005
I Feel Like Crying
*****ABOUT YOU*****
First name: Samantha
Single or taken: Single...as always.
Sex: F
Birthday: January 3, 1987
Star sign: Uhhh...It starts with a C. Capricorn? Psh, I dunno and I don't care!
Siblings: 3 little sisters.
Hair colour: Dark brown.
Eye colour: Blue.
Shoe size: 9ish
Height: 5'4"
Did you send this to your crush? I could tell you. But then I'd have to kill you.
Who IS your crush? Ditto.
Are you popular?: In some respects, I guess. But I don't care about that either - any of my friends can tell you that.
*-;-*F a s h i o n S t u f f *-;-*
Where is your favorite place to shop? Goodwill. I like Old Navy, but I rarely buy anything there because it's expensive.
What do you have pierced? Ears
What do you get labelled as? Do I get labelled?
drugs? Nasty stuff
What shampoo do u use? Loreal Curl Vive
What are you most scared of? Losing my friends.
How many TV's have you got in your house? Two?
What are you listening to right now? FOTR Soundtrack
what car do you wish to have? Bright yellow mini convertible
Who is the last person that called you? Uhhh...Dad.
Who is the last person you called? Lonnie (aka Spencer)
Who is the last person you got a text from? Kealey
Where do you want to get married? Dunno, we'll see.
How many messenger buddies do you have on right now? Just 2.
*-;-* [Current] F a v o r i t e s *-;-*
Band: Superchic[k]
Smell: Hmmm...
Boy's name: *shrug*
Girls name: *shrug*
CD or TAPE or MP3? CD or MP3. Tapes are really only good for recording stuff off the radio or something similar.
-;-* H a v e Y o u E v e r *-;-*
Smoked? Ew no.
Bungee jumped?: Nah.
Broke the law?: Speeding, not wearing seatbelt
made urself sick?: No.
Gone skinny-dipping?: Haha no!
Been in love?: Hmm...that's a good question. I'm gonna go with no, mostly because I don't feel like going into a really long story :-D
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: No, I hate crying in front of people, so that would have done no good.
*-;-* F i r s t T h i n g T h a t C o m e s T o M i n d *-;-*
Thread: Yarn, crocheting, etc.
CD: My CD/MP3 player in my car
School: I wish I could go to school in WI
Yellow: MINI!
Red: Light
Cow: WI
Life: Annoys me.
Love: Weddings lol
*-;-* F i n a l Q u e s t i o n s *-;-*
Do you like filling these out? Good ones, yeah.
How many people are you sending this to? Dunno, whoever
Who will send it back? Prolly no one
If you could be someone else for a day who would it be? I would be me, only an actress/director/singer.
If you were a tree, what type would you be? Weeping willow <-- ditto Angela!
Gold or Silver?: Depends
What is the last film you saw at the cinema? Star Wars Episode III
Favorite cartoon character?: Bugs Bunny, Linus, Goofy, Piglet
What did you have for breakfast this morning? Bowl of cereal
Who's your best friend?: You want the whole list?
Who's your best friend online? You want the whole list?
Are you sending this to anyone who you dont like? I would not send anything to anyone I did not like. Period.
Posted by Samantha Downing at 11:35:00 PM 0 comments
Yay, Cars
I didn't even get up until 10 this morning! 'Course, that might have something to do with the fact that I stayed up until about 1:30 ish watching "Back to the Future: Part II". I think it was some sort of psychological thing. I didn't want my vacation to end, so I just stayed up really late, trying to make the day last. I dunno, it makes sense to me. :-D
Anyways, I had to go to Kings Dominion to get my schedule. Mom, Kristin, and Naomi tagged along to go to Walmart and my car started to overheat. BLAH! Only been back a day and already my car's acting up. Since KD is only about 10-15 minutes from where Dad works, he came and let us use the van. When we went back later to pick Dad up from work and get my car, Dad put some water in it and now it's fine. Weird.
And - surprise, surprise - Jeremy screwed up my schedule, so I have to call or go in tomorrow to yell at him about that. I hate working with idiots. On the plus side, Alicja from Poland is back. YAY!
Now I'm online talking to Peter and Martin.
That is the extent of the excitement around here.
Boy, do I miss Wisconsin!
Posted by Samantha Downing at 10:54:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Home Again, Home Again
And I'm not sure if I want to be here or not. It's the weirdest feeling. I feel like I need to be back in Wisconsin. And at the same time I feel like I never was there, like it was all a dream. Time is just too weird and confusing. It's almost as bad as guys.
So I'm all unpacked, but my room's a mess. Haha! Fun stuff.
Tomorrow I have some stuff I gotta do, mundane everyday stuff. Like going to Kings Dominion to get my schedule and getting gas in my car. Besides cleaning my room of course.
Kristin has a new kitten named Luke - he's adorable!
I'm going to work on scanning pics from vacation to put up. Cross your fingers, but don't hold your breath.
Posted by Samantha Downing at 10:25:00 PM 0 comments