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Friday, January 08, 2010


All my grammar teacher wanted to teach this morning, before reviewing for our exam, was evolution. So I decided to rant about it.

It always amazes me how hard people are willing to work, how much they are willing to twist their logic, and how far they are willing to stretch in order to shove God out of the picture. When they do, they end up with a confusing argument that makes no sense when you pick it apart logically.

I'm a lazy person. I don't want to have to do any more thinking than necessary. If I have to sit for hours and give myself a headache and throughly befuddle my brain to try to understand what you're saying - most likely I'm going to give up on it. That's how I feel about evolution. It just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not trying to be close-minded, that's just the way it is. Creation is SO much easier to believe - it all makes sense and fits together neatly with time lines, etc. Not to mention it's more interesting! Evolution is demeaning, weird, gross...whatever.

My teacher was trying to explain why all languages seem to have a common ancestor, and the fact that people all seem to be descended from one small group of humans. To me, that's easy! God created us and gave us the ability to speak - He's also the one Who gave the variety of languages at the Tower of Babel. Of course languages are all going to be similar. God created Adam and Eve, and everyone on earth is descended from those two people. It all falls into place, it's easy to believe, there are no holes, no stretching for excuses and trying to figure things out for hours until your brain is twisted in knots - it's all RIGHT THERE. When trying to explain it WITHOUT God, however, it's unbelievably confusing, there are holes, you have to work really hard to come up with excuses and then it just sounds...dumb?

If someone else wants to believe evolution, whatever. That's their prerogative. If they want to discuss it with me, that's fine. I'm willing to talk about it and discuss it. I'm willing to listen to their beliefs. I don't necessarily hold it against someone if they hold to evolution. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.


When you try to shove that belief down my throat, especially when you have no REAL evidence to support it, THEN I have a problem. I respect that you have a right to believe whatever you want. The LEAST you can do is respect that same right for me. If you want to discuss evolution with me, fine - be willing to accept that I'm going to disagree and want to discuss creation right back.

I believe in creation for the simple reason that God said that's what happened. And since God can't lie it's obviously true!

And, like I said, it's a LOT easier to believe for a simpleminded person like myself.


Anonymous said...

"Since God can't lie it's obviously true"
