? ??????????????Easter Egg Hunt? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (4 Ratings)??233 Grabs Today. 3848 Total Grabs. ?
?????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Sunflowery Days? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (3 Ratings)??217 Grabs Today. 2762 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Emoticons rule!

I found Unkymoods!!!!! It's cool.

My head is killing me, my tummy hurts, and I'm tired. But I've had a good day.

For one thing, I got to sleep until 9:30, which I haven't done in basically forever! I met Carrie and Nick at the library and tried to figure out some school stuff. Then we went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant and then to the mall. I went into Aeropostal for the FIRST TIME EVER! And I can definitely say that I will be going back. I love that store, possibly as much as I love Old Navy. And you know how I feel about Old Navy. (If you don't, you do now)


That was fun. Then I was going to make chocolate chip cookies after dinner, but I didn't feel well, so I didn't make them.

And now I'm going to bed. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.

Friday, July 29, 2005


My mood right now

I'm bored.

Monday, July 25, 2005

No Cups?

My mood right now

So now KD has this new (and VERY stupid) rule that each ride - and possibly every other location, as in games, food and beverage, etc. - is only allowed one sleeve of cups per week. There's maybe, oh, fifty or so cups in one sleeve. And we have approximately 15 people come in to work each day, sometimes more. That's not counting the cups we give to guests for various reasons, or other people who come to our ride from other locations. In summary, we use approximately one sleeve of cups every two days. So how KD thinks they're going to get away with NOT giving us cups, I do not know. They can't NOT give us water, and how are we going to drink the water without cups? We've been asking each other this question all day, without reaching any sort of decent conclusion.

Maybe it would help if someone would call KD and complain for us. Feel free to do so at anytime. :-D

But seriously, I refuse to work without water; I also refuse to make my crew work without water. Therefore, I am willing to (quite literally) fight for our cups.

Now that I have the useless and uninteresting rant out of the way, I really have nothing more to say.

I saw bats tonight.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

KD Must Die Pt. 2

It's officially official. I HATE KINGS DOMINION. I put in my two weeks' notice today. My last day is August 5. Halelujah! I'm so excited.

So tonight Kealey and I were going to hang out at the mall and then catch a late movie (Fantastic Four at 10:40, just for the record). But, we had to put her brothers up from KD at 10, first (hence, the late movie instead of early). HOWEVER, when we got to KD at 10 and called the rides her bros work at to see if they were coming, we were informed that the KD higher-ups had decided that there would be a "slow close" tonight.

That means the park didn't close until 10:30.


Can they do that? Apparently they can, but they had a LOT of angry associates on their hands, Kealey and I the angriest. What made it worse was that her bros were BOTH extras, so they could have left at 10 anyway, their supervisors just decided not to let them. And we were talking to an area manager dude and he was like, "They wouldn't normally get out until 10:30-11:00 anyway." (NOT TRUE) When we asked what if people's parents were waiting for them in the parking lot, he went, "Then they'd just have to wait."


I think this demonstrates clearly that KD has gone down the drain. Management sucks. No one cares about the associates anymore. They expect us to eat, sleep, and breathe Kings Dominion. Our lives are supposed to revolve around KD.


The way I see it, if you're scheduled to get off at a certain time (in this case, 10), you should be able to leave at 10. They shouldn't be able to say, "You can't leave yet, you have to stay another half hour." ESPECIALLY when you have someone coming to pick you up who might just happen to have PLANS THAT NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!


Can you tell I'm more than a little angry?

I hope a tornado destroys KD. Preferably when there's no people there, of course.

I will never, ever work there again. And if I go insane and do work there again, please just shoot me.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I'm bored. Like, seriously. It's pretty bad for me to actually be bored at night, right before I go to bed. And I can't go to bed too early or I won't sleep well. Honestly...even I get confused sometimes.

Had quite an...interesting...day at work today. They told me to go to the Grizzly (wooden coaster) to be in charge. AND it was Walk-On Wednesday, which basically means, 1000 Gold Season Pass Members can pick up tickets for certain rides to come up the exit instead of waiting in line. You can imagine what the people waiting in line thought of that. I got cussed out several times, and I even had to call security on this one guy who would not SHUT UP. I HATE STUPID KD!!!!!!!!!

On the other hand, guitar lesson was really fun. Casey and I are really hitting it off and she even invited me over to her house next Wednesday. Hmm...I don't think my managers and people are going to go for that. HA, oh well, who cares?!

Off to finish my email and then go to bed and not be bored anymore.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Milk - It Does A Body Good

Feeling better this evening. I felt basically the same as yesterday until, like, 5 pm. Now I'm just tired. But thanks for the comments you guys, they made me smile!

(and yes, Christina, I definitely didn't feel well! Haha! You caught it, I don't usually use words like "crap", etc, unless I'm mad, sad, sick, etc.)

So not much to say...Except that I finished the new Harry Potter book. I'm still formulating an opinion. Not sure whether I liked the ending or not. But, so as not to give anything away, I'll just shut up now.

Tomorrow is back to work. Oh the joy.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

I Feel Rotten

Yesterday was Willy Wonka Day. Seven of us from work went to see it at the Virginia Center Commons theater. I loved the movie and had fun, even though halfway through I realized I felt like crap. The drive home was the longest 45 minutes ever. I had a fever, I was freezing cold, and my EYES HURT, and my head hurt. Not fun. That continued into today...

Which is Harry Potter Day. I went to Walmart with Mom and Dad (even though I still felt like crap) and there was a whole stack of the new book for only $15.78. Dude, and people were thinking places would run out. Haha! Sucks to be you.

But anyway, so yeah, I've felt generally rotten all day. I have like three colds at once and something's wrong with my eyes. But that's okay. I'll get better. Hopefully before Monday or else I'll have to call in.


Bye guys!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Yeah so I was gonna update and do email and get on AIM for a little while. But then all of a sudden, it started THUNDERING really, really loudly. So I decided that may not be a good idea.

Goodnight, all!


Haha. Just kidding.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

There Are Never Enough Hours In The Day

Wow. These past few days have been C-R-A-Z-Y.

Hyper Static Union (did not see)
Pillar (saw half of the first and last songs)
Third Day (SWEET!!!)

Stellar Kart (did not see)
Hawk Nelson (saw...was not incredibly impressed)
Building 429 (SWEET!!)
Kutless (saw...pretty cool!)
Cameron Mills (talk talk talk)
Rebecca St. James (SWEET!!!!!!!!)
Audio Adrenaline (saw the last part of...pretty okay)

Dizmas (did not see)
Thousand Foot (saw them walk off the stage)
Jeremy Camp (AWESOME)
Wes Hamilton (talk talk talk...did not see)
TobyMac (SWEETNESS!!!!!!!!!!!)
Newsboys (DOUBLE SWEETNESS!!!!!)

I had awesome seats...I think fifteenth row. Front and center. Which resulted in awesome pics as well, which I will proceed to post, if photobucket doesn't freeze up my computer again. *glares*

.....SIDENOTE while I get my pics uploaded to photobucket...Walmart is very stupid. I went to buy the 4th Harry Potter book and they had a little sign over by the books that said "Reserve your copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Today! Ask a cashier how" (or something like that). So naturally, I asked. She told me to go to customer service. After standing in line for several minutes, I found out that it's too late to reserve the new book. That ended June 25th. WHAT? So why is the sign still out? Because it's Walmart. And it's in Virginia. GRRR.....

---2 minutes later---

*yawn* I may not be able to put pics up tonight. Photobucket is taking forever. Maybe if I make the pictures smaller before I try to upload them...

---5 minutes later---

Great, you know what, I can't figure out a simple way to resize at the moment, so I'm just going to go to bed. If you know of a quick and easy way to just make the picture smaller without cutting anything out, let me know.

In the meantime, good night!

Friday, July 08, 2005

I Love Kingsfest

I went last night and tonight and had a blast! Tonight, Tonya, Kristin, and Megan came also. We had lawn seats (well, they did; I still had my AWESOME front and center ticket, but I sat with them anyway) which was a blast because that meant we got to play "volleyball" with the all the other lawn-seat-people.

I got to meet Rebecca St. James and get her autograph.

Now I'm tired and about to go to bed. I'll post pictures at a later date.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Be An Equal Opportunity Offender

Some kid Code 8-ed (*cough* urinated *cough*) in the Kiddie ball pool at work today. Fortunately for me, it was RIGHT before I was supposed to leave. So when I got over there to clock out, Chrystal (area manager) goes, "They need your help cleaning over there." And I was like, "Um, I'm leaving." It was all I could do to keep from laughing in her face. *grins*

TOMORROW IS THE FIRST DAY OF KINGSFEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'LL GET TO SEE THIRD DAY!!!! Oh, and Piller and Hyper Static Union. Hm... Pillar's okay. I like them mainly because two of them waved to me last year when everyone else (INCLUDING Relient K) were snobs and didn't walk by the seats, just when the backstage way. Hyper Static Union I have NEVER heard of, but hey, it'll be fun anyway. I GET TO SEE THIRD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, I'm tired. I don't know why.

I'm going to watch some movie and crochet for awhile before I go to bed. I need to wind down.


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Can't think of a good title...

Me head is KILLING me.

One of the girls I work with came in today. She asked my co-worker, Melody, if she could have Saturday off because one of her best friends died in a car accident last night. Yeah. She said that he was coming home from a party (he hadn't been drinking or anything, it was just a party) and his mom called to check up on him. When he reached down to get his phone, he crashed his car into a tree. And died.

That's kinda scary.

I cried.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Stars and Stripes Forever

I've had that song running through my head ever since Friday night. Literally. I've even played it on the piano like three times hoping to make it go away. It didn't work.

I got the most awesome Pirates of the Caribbean notebook at Walmart on Saturday.

Today actually was a very good 4th of July. I went in the pool 4 times today. *grins* New record. I also went to get gas and Dad went with me, so he bought some fireworks. For dinner we had hot dogs cooked over the fire and potato salad and deviled eggs and other yummy stuff, including S'mores for dessert. After it got dark, we set off all our fireworks - miscellaneous spark-showering ones and firecrackers and 2 Roman candles - and even got to see some of our neighbors' bigger ones. Totally makes up for not seeing KD's fireworks. Ours were better anyway. :-P

Does anyone know anything about Robin Hood? I'm writing a story about him. I've recently become infatuated with anything and everything Robin Hood.

And, since I must return to work tomorrow *cries* I will go to bed now.

Good night!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I hate Virginia.

I hate my life.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Sometimes I Cry Myself To Sleep

Coming up on the 4th of July. I hate the 4th of July in Virginia. In Florida, everybody and their brothers are doing fireworks and staying up late and stuff. Here, people could hardly care less. So that's why I hate Independence Day in VA. 'Course, I mostly hate VA, so that's really no surprise.


I was going to get a digital camera at Walmart today. I had the one I wanted all picked out and everything. Then when I told the girl I wanted it, she was like, "We don't have that one." Apparently, the warehouse has been out of them for months and they have no idea if they're going to get anymore. SO WHY IN THE WORLD DO THEY STILL KEEP IT OUT ON DISPLAY?!?! Because it's Virginia, that's why.

So I bought myself a consolation present - Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (and I sure did just spell prisoner with a Z. Don't ask, I'm tired.). I've already started reading it.

I cleaned out the pool this afternoon for Mom. Then I swam for a little while.

Tomorrow we're going to Rehoboth Baptist Fellowship for church. I hate to admit it, but I feel absolutely no enthusiasm about that whatsoever. I love the Marstons and all, but their church just isn't the one I would really choose to go to. Well, at this point, I'm not feeling too favorably toward churches in general. Hey, I know it's been *counts* ten(?) months since the whole New Hope ordeal, but it takes a long time for me to recover from something like that. I mean, really, think how many months it took for me to recover from everything that went on with RJ and Michelle and Tiffany and them.

I need to cheer up.

I need to watch a stupid movie.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Boredom Strikes Again

Time starting: 11:13 PM
Date: July 1, 2005
Birthday: January 3, 1987
Color of eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'4"
Weight: *blinks*
Shoe size: 9ish
Who lives with you?: My parents and my sisters and our pets
------------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: My khaki work shorts and Sesame Street shirt
I'm feeling: Bored and slightly sleepy
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
Thinking about: My eyes hurt
Listening to: "I Want A New Duck" by Weird Al
Watching: Um, the compter?
Talking to: The wall
1.What is your Full Name? Samantha Marie D******
2. What color pants are you wearing right now? Shorts - khakis
4. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number: 47
5. What was the last thing you ate: *thinks* Ice cream sandwich
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be: Bright sparkly glow-in-the-dark blue :)
7. How is the weather right now: I dunno, I'm inside in the A/C
8. Last person you talked to on the phone: Dawn :-D
9. First thing you notice about the opposite sex: Very first thing...height probably lol
10. Do you like the person who sent this to you: YAY! Christina's cool :)
11. How are you today: Okieday
12. Favorite Drink: Water, milk, V Coke, Limeade
14. Favorite Sport to watch: Whatever my friends are playing, figure skating, most of the Olympics
17. Do you wear contacts: Yes. Which is why my eyes hurt right now.
18. Siblings: Tonya, Kristin, and Naomi
19. Favorite Month: Summer months
20. Favorite Food: Psh, too many to name!
21. Last Movie you Watched: Started "Harry Potter and the Scorcer's Stone"
22. Favorite Day of the Year: Hmmm...hard pick
23. Are you too shy to ask someone out: Yes. And anyway, technically, it's the guy's responsibility to do the asking out.
24. Summer or Winter: Summer is better
25. Hugs or Kisses? Both?
26. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate. Hands down.
27. Do you want your friends to write back? This isn't an email, but I would appreciate comments :-D
28. Who is most likely to respond: Chris, probably with some sarcastic remark lol
29: Who is least likely to respond: The person who doesn't read my blog!
31. What books are you reading?: Jacob Have I Loved
32. What's on your mouse pad?: Blackness...and one of those squishy things that are supposed to be good for your wrist
34. What did you do last night: Worked, got online, slept
35. Can you touch your nose with your tongue: No, and I don't care to thanks.
36. Favorite Flower: Roses, hydrangeas, daisies, carnations, etc.
37. What's the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?: What I was dreaming, time, and/or what day it is
38. What kind of sheets do you sleep in? Cotton. Soft kind, without the little lumpies all over them.
39. How do you feel about PDA? Just don't go overboard, please.
40. Who pays the bills in your home? The parents.
41. Where is your favorite vacation spot? Wisconsin is my new official favorite vacation spot. And Disney.
42. Favorite hobby: Reading, writing, singing, playing piano and guitar
43. What is your biggest regret?: At this point, I'm still regretting not saying "hi" to Tobin at the HEAV Convention. I'm working on getting over it.
44.- What do you think the perfect date would be??: Not sure
45. If you could be invincible to one thing what would it be?: Drowning. I would love to be able to just swim underwater for any length of time.
46.What would be the first thing you would purchase if you were a
millionaire for a day?: Prolly a plane ticket to Wisconsin - WAIT, I can only be a millionaire for a DAY?! Not fair!
47. What kind of life, other then the one you have now, would you have like
to have had: Hm, I like my life all right. I wouldn't mind being an actress, or living in a different time period, but I wouldn't change my life.
48. If there was 1 person from your past you could see again who would it be and why: Tobin because I wish I hadn't lost touch (just for the record, it was his fault, not mine)
49. What would be your dream profession?: Stay at home Mom
50. What kind of animal would you be if you had to come back as an animal in a future life? Not me.
51. What is your favorite restaurant?: Cracker Barrel
52. Where did this question go? You erased it, dummy. *Here's your sign*
53. If you could have a hot date or intellectual conversation with anyone,
living or dead, who would it be? *rolls eyes* I hate this question.
54. What is your most reoccurring dream you have had?: That dream about that monster thing.
55. What is one of your most embarrassing moments?: Running into stuff. I do that all the time. Nah, it doesn't embarrass me anymore really. I dunno.
56. What city would you really want to live in?: Ontario :-D
57. As a kid, what did you think you would "BE" when you grew up? : I wanted to be an artist most of the time
58. Who is the funniest person that has ever made you laugh famous or not? Hm, I dunno
59. Tell one thing about yourself that would surprise people if they knew? I'm beginning to hate my job. Actually, some of you already knew that, but whatever.
60. What is the weirdest dream you have ever had? I dreamed that Darth Vader took a bite out of my arm like it was an apple. That was creepy.
61. If you could spend the rest of your life in one place where would it be? Home.

62. If you could spend the rest of your life with one person who would it
be? My husband. After we get married.
------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Ever been so drunk you blacked out?: No. Just, no.
Been hurt emotionally?: Duh, haven't we all?
Had an imaginary friend: Imaginary?
Cried during a Movie: Yes *blushes*
Had a crush on a teacher: No. Homeschoolers don’t do that sort of thing. <<< HAHAHA! Stolen from Christina
Thought a cartoon character was hot?: Nah...Bugs Bunny was pretty cute though...
Been on stage: Yes
Cut your hair: Yeah, but nothing serious
Been sarcastic: No, never!

Shampoo: Loreal Curl Vive
Day/Night: Night. If I had the choice and the ability, I would be awake during the night and sleep during the day. But no one else does that (except a few weird friends) so that would be pretty much boring.
Color: Blue and silver
Lace or Satin: Satin, I like satin
Fave cartoon character: Bugs Bunny
Fave Movie: POTC, LOTR, lots more...
Fave Ice Cream: Mint chocolate chip and chocolate chip cookie dough
Fave Subject: Was English
------------------IN THE LAST 24 HOURS, HAVE YOU------------------
Cried: Yes
Worn a skirt: No
I looked like a goon: I ALWAYS look like a goon, what are you talking about?
Met someone new: People at work
Cleaned your room: Sorta *looks around* Not really
Drove a car: Yurp
------------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
Yourself: “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” <<< Amen, Christina!
Your friends: Yar
Santa Claus: No lol
Tooth Fairy: No, don't think I ever did
GOD: Yes!!
Destiny/Fate: God’s in control of everything
Angels: Yes
Ghosts: Demons yes, but not dead people come back as spirits
Evil spirits: Demons yes
UFO's: Yup (Unidentified Flying Objects...I've seen them)

----FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you have a girl/boyfriend?: No
Do you like anyone: Maybe :-D
Who have you known the longest out of ur friends?: Umm...Prolly Christina.
Who's the loudest?: Dawn's loud :)
Who's the weirdest: We're ALL weird
Who do you go to for advice?: I usually try to figure it out myself. Sometimes I'll go to my parents, occassionally (I can never spell that word) to a friend.
Whats the best feeling?: When you know you are loved
What time did you finish? 11:33 PM


Now I truly understand the joy of someone who is beginning a three-day weekend. I'M GONNA WATCH THE ENTIRE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING TONIGHT!!!!

Okay, maybe not. That was my goal, but it's already kind of late, and I have a million things I need to get done tomorrow. Maybe I'll just watch Pirates of the Caribbean instead.

So today was actually a pretty good day. I got to work at the Grizzly from 6 to 7ish, and that was pretty cool. I didn't technically have to do anything because I don't have any checklists there - I was just supervising. So me and the girl who was on board, Paulette, exchanged funny stupid people stories. Man, we were dying laughing.

I'm bored. No one has commented on my blog since...Monday? Sad. Very sad.

I was supposed to call Kristen and Angela, but I never got around to it. Hopefully I'll be able to at some point tomorrow. Sorry guys - I really haven't forgotten you!

Hey, I want to go see some fireworks at KD tomorrow night, anyone want to join?