I got a new layout for my blog.
I just have to figure out how to make the title of my blog smaller to fit right. Maybe I'll figure it out at some point. Or maybe not. Or maybe I'll get a new layout. Because I like this one, but there were some other pretty ones, too. Since I needed an XML layout, BlogSkins wasn't working for me. I'd used that site before and love some of the layouts (thanks for the suggestion Etenesh!). But it took me like half an hour to figure out why it wasn't working. >.<
Anywho, I went to Blogger-Templates and found this layout and some other really nice ones.
Right now I'm in class - Broadcast Journalism. We are listening to everyone present their radio projects. I think we all did really well. A lot of people had nicer ones than mine, but I still feel happy with the one I did. Maybe I can figure out a way to upload it on here so you can hear it. ^_^
I applied for a maintenance office position at Kings Dominion and even went in for an interview on Wednesday, but I haven't heard from them. I was going to call them today, but I didn't have the number, so I'll probably call tomorrow.
At some point I need to make an appointment at the eye doctor. I constantly have a headache lately, and I really think it's my eyes. The last doctor I went to gave me a lower prescription than the one I went to before and it hasn't seemed right since. Grr.
So yeah. Umm....
That's all for now?
I'm thinking about doing a video blog - a vlog - on YouTube. My sisters and I already do one (sort of) called BLU!, but I'm thinking about starting one of my own.
We'll see.
Monday, February 23, 2009
So, yay!
Posted by Samantha Downing at 5:06:00 PM 0 comments
On my mind: blog, blogging, blogskins, blu, kings dominion, template, vlog, youtube
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My blog looks yucky...
My friend Tasya's blog looks awesome, so I was kind of trying to copy her. It isn't working out so well so far. But maybe if I had more time to work on it. And maybe if I had hi-speed internet at home.
Alas, you'll have to deal with the way my blog looks as-is for now.
This week has been...actually I'm not sure. I can't decide if it's been long or short or good or what. It's just been. School, homework, all the usual stuff. I went to Kings Dominion on Tuesday for an interview for maintenance office, but the maintenance lady wasn't there so someone else interviewed me and I'm supposedly going to hear back from them. Happy happy joy joy.
Um yeah.
School is over for the week!
I have work tomorrow and Saturday and homework to do, as usual.
Bye for now!
Posted by Samantha Downing at 9:08:00 PM 2 comments
On my mind: blog, blogging, homework, kings dominion, school, work
Thursday, February 12, 2009
One follower!
I have one follower on my blog now! I am super excited. ^_^
I'm having fun with InDesign tonight. It's sweet. It's a program for designing publications. You can take stuff you've done in Photoshop and put it in InDesign and then format the whole page so it looks awesome. Here's what I did tonight...
I went and visited WRVA today. That's the local conservative news talk radio show. I got to meet Doc Thompson. It was awesome. Maybe I will intern there someday and maybe I will work there someday, who knows. It was cool talking to him, though, he is super nice.
Now I am in class. Doing nothing at the moment because I've already finished what I was supposed to be doing. I'm hungry. I have two oatmeal cookies in the truck calling my name. I hear them shouting to me, even from this far away.
I'm coming, soon!
Posted by Samantha Downing at 7:39:00 PM 0 comments
On my mind: class, conservative, cookies, doc thompson, follower, hungry, InDesign, radio, school, talk show, tumble, wrva
Monday, February 09, 2009
In case you hadn't heard - we are all socialist now
Read the article here if you can stomach it.
So has the media finally realized the truth? We are turning socialist and becoming more and more like Europe and "more French"?
It appears so.
But they try to gloss it over. The word socialist is still referred to as the "S-word" in the article and made to sound like a conservative scare tactic. Conservatives are almost mocked, or are mocked, throughout the whole article. They (Newsweek) try to blame Bush and Republicans for it all.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying Republicans haven't had a hand, because they sure have. Republicans now are so liberal that they're not much different than Democrats. So yes, they have had a lot to do with it.
What I can't stand is the way the article continuously links "conservative" with "Republican." The media cannot understand - they cannot seem to grasp - that Republicans are not automatically conservative. True conservatives would never vote for more government.
So if we ARE all socialist now and becoming more and more like Europe and France, is that REALLY a good thing? Newsweek seems to think so. They "objectively" point out some of the negative sides of having bigger government, but they don't even seem to realize how serious those negative sides really are.
We should take a good, long look at the countries in Europe and see if that's really what we want to be. Remember, America started because of opposition to the way things were run. Do we really want to be like everyone else now?
Posted by Samantha Downing at 5:52:00 PM 0 comments
On my mind: conservative, europe, france, liberal, newsweek, politics, socialist
Monday, February 02, 2009
Just joined HubPages and Google AdSense
I thought "why not?" and joined Hubpages. Along with that I joined AdSense and Amazon Associates. I doubt I'll make anything by doing it, but it'll be interesting to see how it goes. I guess I'm going to be focusing on politics in my Hubs, at least for now. As always, I feel like a fish out of water trying something new like that. I feel so dumb because I don't know what I'm doing. But at the very least it'll prompt me to write more. And I'm thinking about applying to join Suite 101, too.
We shall see.
Suddenly this past week I felt overwhelmed with homework. Seems like I have a TON all of a sudden. I guess it's just because I have four classes, four days of classes, and they are all relating to reporting so that makes it a lot of work anyway. In one class, everyone was put in teams for our assignments and stuff and I so intelligently volunteered myself to be team leader. I am so afraid I will wind up doing all the work. But there is one girl in my team who is in some other of my classes, and she's really nice. I guess it'll work out.
Tuesday we had snow and ice. I tried to go to school anyway because it didn't seem like it would be that bad, and I figured the main roads would be okay. They may have been, but I didn't make it to the main roads. I slid right off the road and ran into a tree. In my parents' van. So now I have that to think about on top of everything else.
I know the Lord will provide and everything will work out. At least, I know it in my head and I'm really good at saying the words. Applying that to my life is the hard part. But He has promised never to let me down - He never has and He never will.
(And if you feel like helping me out, click the Google ad on the right-hand bar under my info. Thanks!)
Posted by Samantha Downing at 3:14:00 PM 0 comments
On my mind: adsense, articles, car, God, Googl, hubpages, job, money, online, publishing, snow, suite 101, writing