? ??????????????Easter Egg Hunt? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (4 Ratings)??233 Grabs Today. 3848 Total Grabs. ?
?????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Sunflowery Days? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (3 Ratings)??217 Grabs Today. 2762 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Last day of regular school classes

Next week is finals. And then Christmas break.

Be sure to check out BLU! Episode 2.

This week is going by way too fast. Yesterday was nice. I finally got the website I've been working on for Robo's Detail Supplies up on the internet and working. It took a few days for me to get it to work, but I did it!

I also took a nap, which was kind of crazy. I almost never take naps. And I haven't taken one in a LONG time. Then my sisters and I worked on two more episodes of BLU!

Oh yeah, and I had to go pay for my van. Even though I decided not to get my transmission fixed, I had to pay for the work he had already done to it. He replaced the calipers and two tires, so I had to pay for that. *dies* No fun. I'm hoping I can sell my van now. I should put it on Craig's List - I have pictures of it somewhere. I get to drive it home this afternoon. Oh boy.

I created a new blog to post my resume and writing samples. I have so many blogs I've created or am part of now, some are for school.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A homeless guy just wandered through the student commons

That was kinda weird.

I realize I have been seriously neglecting my blog. My apologies.

What's been up in my life lately...? Let me think...

For starters, I am working at Ukrops in Mechanicsville now. Not sure whether I told you that already or not. I am a cashier and I really enjoy the work. But they are not giving me enough hours - usually 15 or less. I was told when I was hired that I would have 20-25. I talked to the supervisor/manager guy about it and he wasn't very promising. I think I have to find a second job, or just another completely different job. Actually, I KNOW I do, unless they miraculously start giving me enough hours.

The semester is almost over. Only one more day of classes, and then two days of finals and I will be done! Finished up and turned in my last assignments today. I still have to bring in my resume on Thursday, but since that's already all made, there's practically no work involved in getting that done. I'm not sure what's going to happen next semester. As it stands right now, I only have 10 credits and a screwy schedule. I've talked to an advisor about getting a few things straightened out, but I won't go into detail about that right now.

(A cute guy just sat down in the chair about six feet away from me. Why do the cute guys always appear when I'm feeling sick, and looking it, too? Blah.)


And my van is broken, so yay. Rick replaced the calipers (whatever those are, has something to do with the brakes) and two tires. THEN he found out I need a new transmission, which would cost me between $1,500 and $2,000. I don't have the money. So I'm almost positive I'm just going to forget about my stupid van. Good riddance. The thing has been a pain since I got it. I'm hoping I can sell it at least to recup the money I spent on the stinking calipers and tires. Then I'm just going to look for a new one. Hopefully a Honda, kinda like my first car. But I'll likely be without a car for a while and will have to work something out with my parents to borrow their van. That means that I will probably have to get up (REALLY) early to take my dad to work on days that I will need it. But it's all good, at least I have access to a car!

My Dad's car and the family Sidekick are also AWOL.

MONEY is stressing me out. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I were getting a good amount of hours at Ukrops and could depend on getting a fairly okay paycheck every week. But I really can't, so I'm kinda in ready-to-pull-my-hair-out mode. And I DO NOT want to get a loan. Period.

Oops, Sierra is out of class - time to go!

Until next time...

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Good point...

I was listening to Doc Thompson earlier and he had a really good point.

He said that a lot of conservatives would have to be pulled back from the ledge today, after Obama won the election. They would have to be convinced that it's not as bad as it seems. The reason conservatives are so upset is because we can see the big picture, or at least some of it. We can get a glimpse of what this country is going to be like four years or eight years down the road with Obama as president.

But our lives didn't change at all TODAY, did they? No, we went on with our lives just like we normally do, doing the usual things.

And the things that are going to happen are not going to happen all at once. They will come along one at a time, and we conservatives will be able to take them one at a time. It's like walking - you just take one step at a time. It won't be fun, no, but at least we will be able to handle it.

It also reminded me of what the Bible says about God not giving us more than we can handle. It goes along those lines, at least for me. I know not all conservatives are Christians, but I am, and the point that Doc Thompson made today just seemed to go right along with that idea.

And, of course, I can always rest assured that God is in control, regardless of who is president. Or dictator.


That was a joke.

For now.

Black Wednesday

So that's it then. It's all over. Two years of drama and scandal and all that dirt dug up on Obama, and in the end none of it mattered. People STILL voted for him.


I'm very close to being ashamed to be an American today. How did we become what we have become? How could we go, in a short two hundred years, from the land of the brave and the free to, basically, the United Socialist States of America?

Okay so we're not quite there yet, I guess, but we will be soon.

Those were also rhetorical questions. I KNOW how we got here. Sin. People are consumed by it, and it blinds them. People are selfish, greedy, and lazy. People don't want to do for themselves anymore (where has our pride gone??), they would rather lot the government, and ultimately other people, do the work for them.

Well congratulations, guys, you got what you asked for. Now let's see how it plays out. It will be interesting to see if everyone is still in love with Obama when they see just how socialist he is.

They will be, I already know it. Socialism, in the end, will matter to people just as much as truth, values, and integrity.

Which means it won't matter at all.

Friday, October 24, 2008

There were two spiders on my windshield that wanted to eat me tonight.

Like I said about life sometimes being overwhelming?

This is one of those times.

Work. Homework. Curves. Family. Church.

And tiredness.

I am exhausted tonight.

I worked 12-5 today and then they asked me to stay two more hours because they were short, so I did that instead of going to Curves thinking I could go tomorrow morning instead. Well my family is going out to breakfast tomorrow morning so I may not be able to go to Curves.

But I think I will cheat and go to Curves before my family leaves for breakfast (because I doubt they will leave before 8) and just not do a whole workout.

But that means I have to get up at 7 on a Saturday and THAT makes me want to cry.

I'm slightly grouchy tonight.

But Indiana Jones was good.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Motivation is wonderful

So this morning my mom woke me up at 8:30. Normally I try to get up by 8 at the latest, but since I was up way late last night reading my blog, I decided to sleep until 9. BUT, Ukrop's called at 7:53 and wanted to know if I wanted to come in and work this morning. Mom kindly let them leave a message and let me sleep for an extra half hour before waking me up to let me know.

Thanks, Mom!

So I did go to work after all. I got there around 9:45 and stayed until 2:30. It was nice, I like working in the morning better. There's more old people working then, and I can relate to them better than I can relate to the teens. Plus they're nicer. And there are more old customers in the morning, too, and they are usually nicer than some of the younger customers.

So then I rushed home to get Mom and sisters and we all went to Curves.

Then I came home and wrote three sentences of my story about the Libertarian candidate for Senate that's due tomorrow.

Then we had dinner and went to Bible study.

Then I came home and FINISHED my story that's due tomorrow (I don't think it's that good, but it's done and that's what matters) and almost finished my short paper that's due on Tuesday in my POLI class.

And then now.

So, tomorrow I have school. Then I might possibly go grocery shopping with Mom and sisters. I haven't quite decided, because I still have to write my NewsCorp paper that's due on Tuesday. I'll probably go ahead and go shopping and then do my paper tomorrow night and finish it over the weekend. Yeah...

So, you should know better than to think I'll get through a post without a reference to politics.

I heard on the radio today Joe Biden's quotes about how there will be an "international crisis" not six months into the Obama administration. "Mark my words," he said. And he said this twice. And said that he could name four or five scenarios that might happen (what does he know that we don't??? He needs to spill.). Gotta love Biden. Why would he say something like this? Probably not the smartest thing to say. But then again, Americans haven't been the smartest people lately, so they'll probably just be in awe and not bother to think about what Biden said.

Yeah we're gonna have an international crisis if Obama gets elected because he's got no backbone and you bet the terrorists are going to take advantage of that! Why do you think they want him in so badly? I mean, duh.

Obama was in Richmond today. He had "Only In America" playing at his rally. I wanted to throw a water balloon at him for that. Also, a letter was sent out to all the public schools saying that it wouldn't be suitable for the classes to go to the rally as a field trip, but that it would be an excused absence if the parents wanted to take their kids.

'Scuse me?

They didn't do this for the Sarah Palin rally.

See what I mean about being sick of liberal-biased EVERYTHING?

I'm considering joining the Libertarian party. I'm also considering voting for McCain rather than writing in Sarah Palin, because as much as I disagree with McCain, at least he's a man of high integrity while Obama is a man of...well, no integrity.

So yeah.

Bedtime soon!


Too good to be true?? I hope not!!!!!!

Dear NaNoWriMo 2007 Winner,

Last November, you and those typing fingers of yours did something amazing. And while you were busy bashing out your novel, we were frantically trying to line up a prize worthy of your feat.

Our goal was to find a self publishing company who would give every NaNo winner a free copy of his or her winning manuscript in paperback book form. It's taken us until now, but we've finally found them.

CreateSpace, an Amazon.com Inc. owned company, is generously offering every NaNoWriMo 2007 winner a "free proof copy" of their 2007 manuscript. What this means: A free proof copy of your manuscript in paperback book form–just by following the instructions below. They'll even cover the costs of basic shipping to you.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So much has changed, and yet so little

This is a favor I asked of my friends in THIS BLOG on July 23, 2005.

"I hope a tornado destroys KD. Preferably when there's no people there, of course.

I will never, ever work there again. And if I go insane and do work there again, please just shoot me."

I would like to inform you that NONE of my friends came through for me and I am very disappointed in you.

Just kidding!!!

This summer was not always the most fun, but I did meet some awesome people (like Tasya) and I wouldn't trade it for anything.


Today is finally over. I was going to write for a while before I go to bed, but I got distracted. I've been reading my blog for over an hour. I still need to take a shower before I go to bed so I doubt I'll get around to writing. But whatever.

Ukrops didn't call today so I guess I'm not working tomorrow morning. I could use the money, but it really is a good thing I'm not working because I have lots of homework to do. Lots of research/writing type of homework. Maybe I'll go to the library tomorrow to work on the research part of it.

And that's not counting the stuff I still have to do for Nancy Osgood's book - editing and researching, etc. Which also reminds me that I'm taking care of her pets next week. Ick...I'm not a fan of birds and she has seven.


Life Can Be Overwhelming

Life is good lately, but it can be overwhelming as any college student knows! Right now I am sitting outside at school in between classes. Normally I would still be in global communications class, but we had a midterm so I got out early. I really SHOULD be doing homework/research but that really does not interest me at the moment. It's too nice out and I'm sick of school. It's nice to just sit here on this bench and watch Sierra recording a yellow jacket (video soon to be posted on YouTube and Facebook).

The leaves are falling all around us. It's kinda cool.

So let's see...I have a story about the Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate (William Redpath) due on Thursday. Haven't started it - the writing part, I mean. On Tuesday I have two papers due. One of them I have a third done, the other I haven't started writing. After that I can relax for a while. A little while.

All this on top of work, which I now have to be concerned about - but I'm not complaining. I need the money. I work Friday afternoon and all day Saturday (which makes me irritated because the Celtic Festival is this weekend and I don't get to go for the 5th year in a row).

Momentarily I will be going to my next class, but for now I have pictures and videos to put up online.

Pictures of what I can see as I sit here...

A lady just sat down with one of those huge rolls of toilet paper that goes in public restrooms. I think she is a bathroom cleaning lady.

Time to head to class.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What I am thinking going into this election...

Am I the only one sick of both of the main Presidential candidates? Or of the media? Or of stupid people?

Sometimes I feel like I am. But I guess I'm not.

Glenn Beck is, too. ^_^

Seriously, though, the media drives me up the wall. They only really talk about the Republican and the Democratic candidates - for anything. The only time we hear about the other parties or candidates is just a tiny mention of them at the end of the story. "Also on the ballot is...." The end.


I'm learning in my journalism classes that the media is supposed to be all "watch dog" and "guide dog" and whatever. They are supposed to inform the public on things that they need to know but might not be able to find out very easily. Well, they're not doing their job! I personally would like to know about ALL my options when I go to vote next month (if I go). Did anyone besides me not realize that there are seven Presidential candidates that will be on the ballot?


And I know the names of three - Republican, Democrat, and Libertarian because I just looked it up because I'm doing a story on the Libertarian party for my class.

What is wrong with our media? That was a rhetorical question, I already know the answer. The media are liberal. This is generally speaking, of course.

But more than that, what is wrong with Americans? Are we seriously going to let someone like Obama or McCain become the President of our country? That was also a rhetorical question, I already know the answer is yes. But I have yet to understand WHY. Both of them are leading us straight into socialism, and people just embrace them like they are the greatest thing to ever happen to planet Earth.

Um, hello? You want socialism? Go live in Russia for a while. I know people from Russia. It's not pleasant over there. People don't make a lot of money, health care is the pits, and freedom is practically non-existent.

(Russian friends, if you're reading this, please don't be offended; you already knew my opinion of Russia anyway, and I still think you guys are great ^_^)

Do we seriously want our country, the land of the free, to be like THAT? Do we want to give up every single little right we have and let the government control every aspect of our lives? The things I hear coming from both Obama AND McCain are disturbing, and I can only imagine where our country will be when it's time for the NEXT election.

When will Americans grow up and stop voting along party lines simply for the sake of voting along party lines? Look at the candidates and what they really stand for - ALL OF THEM, not just the two of them that the media talks about. Make a decision based on your own research and your own THINKING (do people know how to do that anymore?), not on what the media or your friends or your party or anyone else tells you.


Or we used to be able to, anyway. And it is NOT best for our country to have a socialistic form of government. Anyone who thinks it is, really does need to go to Russia and see what it's like. No joke. Do you want to go to the doctor and know that (if the government decides you can get in, that is) the rubber gloves they are using have simply been rinsed and re-used, and the syringes and other materials are in the same state? I don't. Why do you think people come HERE for health care? And that's just one example.

I have to admit I'm feeling kind of hopeless and depressed going into this election. And it's not because I'm afraid that my candidate won't win. It's because I don't have a candidate. And that's because the politicians don't care about the people anymore, and I guess they haven't in a long time. There is no candidate (that I know of) that really stands for the people and what the people want. I also feel like it's too late for this election. Duh. Obviously nothing is going to change. Our country is just going to keep going downhill, faster than it's ever gone before. No matter WHO is elected.

I am FED UP with my government, can you tell?

We need a Civil War. Dead serious. I will move to Montana if they ever got serious and seceded. I so would.

Words cannot express how amazingly grateful I am that the Lord is in control. I can honestly say that I don't know what state I would be in if He weren't, or if I were not a Christian. I would be in a lot worse shape than I am now.

And by the way, if any Obama supporter happens to read this and would be interested in having a logical discussion with me, PLEASE let me know. I'm dying to understand why someone would seriously want to vote for him. I can talk to McCain supporters more easily without having my head bit off, but Obama supporters just start attacking me without giving me any information.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Walk Like a Pigeon

I feel like I've been getting in touch with my inner teenager again. No, seriously, today I looked up livejournal and xanga again and even found an old AIM screenname that I used to have (can't remember the password, of course, and so it is useless to me) not to mention that I visited an old favorite Harry Potter RPG site (completely changed, by the way) and just all kinds of crazy stuff. You know, I hadn't posted in my livejournal since 2004. THAT'S FOUR YEARS. Craziness.

I know, I know - "No one cares except you, Samantha." Typical.

Also, I finally managed to get deviantArt to let me verify my email address, after about eight months of it not working.

Other than that I have been studying and doing homework like mad, and of course working at lovely Kings Dominion. I started filling out an application to Ukrop's today. They have benefits even for part-time employees! Very exciting, I tell you, very exciting. Tomorrow I have to work 11-7 and Saturday I also have to work - I'm going to tell them I can work 2-11. Since they don't tell me what my schedule is, I tell them. At least one of us knows what's going on.

Stupid KD.

Well since it's 12:30 now, I should probably go to bed. I feel incredibly hyper this evening, although I am beginning to get tired now. It's amazing, I've been tired pretty much constantly lately, and then today I suddenly have bucketloads of energy out of nowhere. Maybe it was the nice weather.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Strong and Courageous

Last night in Bible study we went over the first nine verses in Joshua, particularly 6-9. If you’re not familiar with them, those are the verses where God is telling Joshua to be strong and courageous. I’ve heard these verses countless times before, but (as I’m a big fan of saying) it never hurts to be reminded! And I definitely needed to hear them last night.

I was thinking afterward about the whole strong and courageous part. God is telling Joshua to do something very difficult - to trust him in the face of what would seem humanly impossible. We saw forty years earlier that Joshua was one of only two people who wanted to obey what the Lord commanded, and he was voted down. Now the time has come to obey the Lord’s commands again, and it may still not have been the most popular idea at the time.

Why would God have told Joshua to be strong if it was going to be an easy task? The only reason he would have needed to be strong was if it was going to be something hard to do, otherwise it wouldn’t matter. The same goes for the courageous part. If there was nothing fearful ahead, then there wouldn’t have been any reason for the Lord to tell Joshua to be courageous.

These words are not only meant to be an encouragement to Joshua, but they are a command as well. God didn’t say, "You should be strong and courageous" or "you might want to be...". He told Joshua straight out, "Be strong and courageous" three times! The reason for this? God is on Joshua’s side, he has nothing to fear, he has every reason not to be afraid.

You can probably see where I’m going with this. Just as Joshua was commanded in the face of difficulties to be strong and courageous, we should do the same thing. God leads us along as a Shepherd guiding his sheep, but that doesn’t mean everything is going to be grand and easy. In fact, very often, the Lord sends us through trials. Whatever they may be, if we are following the Lord, we should be strong and courageous! Even if the odds seem to be against us and even if the people around us don’t understand, laugh at us, or even directly oppose us, the Lord is on our side - who else do we need?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Lot of Things on my Mind

Like the title says, I have a lot of things on my mind right now.

Most of which I'm really not going to go into right here because it's 1:15 am and I am exhausted. I think that's a good reason, what about you?

For my Mass Communications 101 class, we had a project called "Anger+Art=Change" assigned. Basically, find something that ticks you off, do a creative project about it to effect change. Not sure -exactly- what she wanted, but she said it could be anything we considered art.

So, me being the brilliant person I am, spend the midnight hour (when I'm already tired) writing a four and a half page short story. It's about an unborn baby looking forward to life. It's anti-abortion. So it ends with the baby being killed. Stupid me, I'm sitting here, barely able to write this thing, crying my eyes out, thinking of all the innocent babies killed.


You'd think I'd work on something like this at a decent time of day. Oh no, not me!

It'll be interesting to see if I can read this in front of the class without crying.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

You just never know...

It's crazy - you never know what the other person is thinking, how they're going to react to the things you say, or what they're going to remember and take away from a conversation. It doesn't even necessarily have to be a conversation you have with that person - it can just be one that they overhear.

Today I was at school, sitting in a hallway between classes, and I just happened to overhear a guy and a girl talking to another guy, who was sitting on a couch studying. At first I didn't know what they were talking about, but the guy sitting down was getting really upset talking to these people, arguing with them and calling them names. Finally I tuned in to the conversation enough to realize that the two people were witnessing to the guy sitting down, and let's just say he didn't appreciate it.

But, boy, I surely did!

It was such an encouragement to me to see how much these two Christians cared about the guy that was yelling at them. They cared enough to stay and talk to him when other people would have walked off or starting yelling back. You could see in the way they spoke to him and treated him that they really cared about him as a person. They didn't talk down to him, and they didn't go down to his level of name-calling and ridicule. They spoke kindly and lovingly, and it was amazing to me just to watch the conversation.

The Lord knows what we need, when we need it - even if we don't! I wasn't expecting to see that, I wasn't even looking for it. But it's all I've been thinking about all afternoon. It really touched me. They meant to witness and be a testimony to that guy sitting on the couch, and I don't know if it had any permanent affect on him or not, but they were a big testimony to me.

God knows where to put people - He really knows what He's doing! He had those two people there and me there at the right time so that I could hear the conversation and be blessed. Who knows who else was touched by the conversation?

I don't know why this incident had such a big impact on me, but it did. I admire those people and I thank God for putting me there to witness the conversation.

(Just for the record, the guy they were talking to must have felt convicted at some level, because he proceeded to call 2 different people and tell them all about it and then tell another friend all about it when he showed up! If he's that upset about it, it must have affected him more than he'd like to let on!)

Thursday, February 07, 2008

2007 in Review

I stole this from Chris which he got from hs December 2003 archives. Wow, he's old. ^_^ Anyway, I know we're well into 2008 (almost the middle of February already!!) but I decided to do this anyway, since I never wrote anything for the end/beginning of a year, like I usually do.

The Year 2007 in Review-
1. What did you do in 2007 that you'd never done before?
Um...Well I dated a guy and then broke up with a guy. Yeah.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolution?
Don't think I made one. If I did make one, I probably did not keep it.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Trying to think...Can't think of anyone!

4. Did anyone close to you die?

5. What countries did you visit?
Just here!

6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?
Money. Lots.

7. What date from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
There's a couple. Dawn's wedding probably being the biggest!

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting my 2-year degree I think!

9. What was your biggest failure?
Um, there's a couple things I consider failures on my part. Mostly personal things - not so much things I actually did, but things I thought or felt.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing major!

11. What was the best thing you bought?

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I don't think anyone in particular merited celebration over anyone else

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Bleh. I won't go there.

14. Where did most of your money go?
School, car

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Buying my laptop, going to Wisconsin, graduating, getting into VCU

16. What song will always remind you of 2007?
Meh, I dunno!

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

i. happier or sadder?
I don't know if I'm necessarily happier, but I am not sadder, and I am happy in a different way

ii. thinner or fatter?
Fatter. Even my grandma noticed. And no, she didn't say "you look fat." I was talking about how I had gained some inches and she said, "Yeah, but last year you were too skinny!" which is an exaggeration, but whatever.

iii. richer or poorer?
Poorer. And getting even poorer.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Writing. Standing up for what I believe.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Procrastinating. I need to stop that.

20. How will you be spending Christmas?
I spent it at home - it was a nice quiet day.

22. Did you fall in love in 2007?

23. How many one-night stands?

24. What was your favorite TV program?
Smallville for part of the year. Chuck when it started.

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I don't hate people.

26. What was the best book you read?
This Present Darkness and Garth Nix books, and HP7

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
I'm not as dumb as I thought I was? Hehe...

28. What did you want and get?
Laptop, trip to WI, trip to PA

29. What did you want and not get?
More money. Trip to FL, but that's this year.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
Um, what came out last year?? I really don't remember.

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 20 (wow, so young!). I went out with Will and then had dinner and presents at home.

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?

34. What kept you sane?
Who says I'm sane?

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Who else? Orlando Bloom. But that faded quickly toward the end of the year. I think I'm old now. <.< >.>

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
Probably illegal immigration. I think that's the one that gets my goat the worst.

37. Who did you miss?
Everyone, as usual.

38. Who was the best new person you met?
I didn't really meet that many new people. I got to know some people better and that's always nice.

39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007.
Live life to the fullest day by day, doing God's will. Don't let worldly stuff get you down - in the end, it doesn't matter anyway. God's in control of everything and He has a purpose; I can rest in that and leave it in His hands. I just fudge stuff up when I try to take control anyway.

40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
Wow....No clue.

Why wear high heels to school?

Today was so-so. I have had a lingering headache all day, I guess because of the weather change. It's twenty degrees colder today than it was yesterday! But I've had a pretty good day, I guess. I'm sitting in the student commons at VCU waiting to leave for my Economics class, which goes until 9 or later. *yawn* I try to pay attention, but it never works out. We'll see how it goes tonight. I'm loaded up with caffeine - just drank a bottle of Coke and a cup of Dr. Pepper and I have a can of Vanilla Coke in my backpack for backup.

Nothing eventful happened today.

I don't know what to write about.

Romney bowed out of the race. Now we're looking at Huckabee or McCain. Neither one sounds promising, but I guess Huckabee is the lesser of two evils. I think I preferred Romney to him, though. I don't know what I'll do if McCain makes it. Probably cry. This country is going down the drain fast.

A toilet in this one bathroom at school today would not stop flushing, literally, for like...2 minutes straight. It was odd.

I'm full. I just ate a 6 inch tuna sub, a small bag of Doritoes, and my Dr. Pepper. More than I needed. Much more.

Guess we're going to head on over to economics in a minute.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Less Than a Year

So, I think that by coming back to this in less than a year - I'm doing great!

Let's see...my last post was April 30, 2007, eh? Shortly after that, the bottom fell out from under me again. I wrecked my second car in May, and boy was I depressed after that. It was awful. Just ask Mario - not that he talks to me anymore or anything. Hm, maybe that's why...


I recovered, I lived, and I went to Dawn and Ron's wedding in July. I had a blast that week. In August my family went to PA to see our penpals, and I had a blast that weekend, too. I also got a Dodge Caravan, and that's kind of a long story. Let's just say, I thought it was a great van in great shape, but not so much. I've put so much money into that thing, I just want to kick it. Um, what else happened... I went back to J Sarge in the fall and only took two classes. I was kind of burnt out from going five days a week in the spring and summer, so the two classes was nice. I quit the Cafe in June for a couple reasons.

I'm going to VCU now! This is the fourth week that I have been going. My friend Sierra and I go together, and I actually really like it. I wasn't sure if I would, and I was always really against going to VCU because it's such a HUGE school and in downtown Richmond. But now that I'm going there, I love it. I almost wish I could afford to live on campus. I feel like I'm missing out on something by not. The classes are great - there's more homework, but most of it's reading, and I don't do all of it since the teachers just lecture on it anyway. Economics is the only class that I might have concerns about, because it's a night class and only one night a week. Well, I am concerned about my Mass communications 101 also, because the teacher grades with a perfect bell curve - meaning a certain percentage of the 300 people in the class will get an A, a certan percent will get B, etc. Not good - I want the grade I EARN.

Newsflash - I applied at Kings Dominion. Okay, don't have a heart attack. I never thought I'd do that again, but I figured why not give it another whirl. I NEED THE MONEY. And they're owned by Cedar Fair now, so they're supposed to be majorly improved. Supposedly. But I really do need the money, and I know I can make it there. I applied for merchandise supervisor, which is quite different from rides, but I thought different might be good. I'm willing to work in rides again, but also a change would be nice. I might go in on Friday morning for an interview.

Those are the highlights.

OH! Also, my family is going to Florida the weekend after Valentine's Day, and Sierra's coming with us and we're going to DISNEY!!!!!!!!!

I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My "I" key isn't working right.