? ??????????????Easter Egg Hunt? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (4 Ratings)??233 Grabs Today. 3848 Total Grabs. ?
?????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Sunflowery Days? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (3 Ratings)??217 Grabs Today. 2762 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Oh Bother

Okay so I took a day or so off from NaNo simply because I had no ideas whatsoever. Now I have over 3,000 words to write just to be where I need to be today. That would not be a problem, really, except that I just remembered I have a stupid essay I have to write by midnight, and all my writing ideas and energy have been going into NaNo! So now I have to come up with a somewhat intelligent-sounding essay to turn in. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, I'm going to pass the class regardless, but I would like to pass with a good grade. I get to write on interest groups. Woohoo.

And the election is part of the reason why I had no ideas for my NaNo. Basically, Tuesday and Wednesday the election consumed my every free thought. Now that I know the results, I can't say as I feel any better. I mean, I figured this was how it would turn out, but honestly. People just don't think.

I can't really think of anything good to come out of the Democrats taking the House and the Senate. President Bush has already started to capitulate to what they want, think how he's going to be for the next two years! I'm so bummed about politics right now, it's not even funny. I just feel like giving up.

Okay so let's think about this for a second or two. Now that Democrats have control, what will happen? Well, obviously, taxes are going to go up, and pretty quickly at that. How much? Well, over the past several years, an average family of four has had $2,000 less in taxes. I can pretty much guarantee that they're going to be paying that back and thensome.

Our troops will probably be pulled out of Iraq. And NO that's not a good thing! The terrorists were encouraged before when the US proved that they wouldn't stay and finish what they'd started, think how much MORE they'll be encouraged now! So if we pull out of Iraq, what will happen? All the progress we have made will collapse, terrorists will take over the oil industry, and oil prices will skyrocket. The US will be paying a premium for gas from an enemy because the Democrats refuse to let us drill for oil on our own land. So basically, we'll be paying the terrorists to come and attack us. "Here's yer sign."

(Then there's the fact that the Democrats might try to impeach President Bush, but that's not something I necessarily think is very likely, just a possibility.)

I have no doubt that a Democratic President will be elected in 2008 unless something drastic happens between now and then.

This all brings to my mind the end times. I'm don't know if this is a position I would hold to because I personally haven't studied it out. But it's a theory, and one that sounds logical! The US will be a weakened country, consumed with its own problems - whether it be terrorists, or problems with the economy, or whatever. The only reason Israel is still around today (besides God's protection, that's a given) is because of the US! If the US can't help Israel, what do you think is going to happen? Iran and North Korea both have the technology to develop nuclear weapons - who's gonna stop them? No one!

Anyway, I just think that the next few years will definitely be interesting. I also wish now more than ever that I lived in colonial times when people stood up for what was right, rather than just going the easy route and expecting everything to be handed to them on a silver platter (like now, we have welfare, etc.).

Yeah, I'm sick of everything. I want to move to Australia.

Off to write my essay.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Tip of the day...

Okay, here's a tip I found on the NaNoWriMo site, where I went for inspiration because I currently have writer's block. Which is not good because I have about 1300 more words to write for today, since I didn't write yesterday, which is another story yet to be told.

Anyway the quote...
"And get as much noveling in as you can on Saturday and Sunday! A 5,000-word weekend works wonders for the soul."

YEAH OKAY! 5,000-word weekend??? Goodness gracious, I've already run out of ideas for what to happen in my story in the immediate future (I have the long-term plot planned out), what makes them think I'll have a 5,000-word weekend? Not to mention I'm going to have to postpone the "computer competency" test at school since I haven't had time to figure out how to use Power Point or Access because of my noveling.

But I'm still loving it. ^_^ I just need to think of something to write is all.

Okay, i'm going back to Word to reread what I've written and to stare at the screen until I get an epiphany. I will tell the story of yesterday later.

Friday, November 03, 2006

I'm Angry

I'm angry. I'm very irritated. I'm incredibly annoyed.

And even more so because I'm so angry, irritated, and annoyed that I can't write anything decent for NaNo.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

NaNoWriMo Begins!

And I've already written 1,676 words! WOOT! Go me! *jumps up and down for sheer joy and excitement*

Okay, I'm beat. Admittedly, it wasn't as hard to just plop down and start writing something as I thought it was going to be. I actually kind of have an idea now. I'm just afraid to go to sleep, because what if all my inspiration and creativity leaks out during the night?!?!


Hmm...I hope anyway.

I created a new blog for posting my story in, the link is on my links page. Please leave me comments, good or bad, just be gentle if it is bad. I'm hard enough on myself, and you don't know how brave I'm being write now making the blog for it and posting it on the internet where ANYONE can read it...

Okay, going now before I change my mind.